Table AutoFit > AutoFit to Contents

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Outlook version
Outlook 2013 32 bit
Email Account
Exchange Server

I'm trying to find a way to adjust a table to "AutoFit to Contents" (this is the most used).
This question appears to be mentioned on other posts but I cannot seem to find the exact answer for the problem.

The plan is to insert the table manually, but to have a macro that easily allows the format to be done quickly.
This is something that applies many times when compiling email messages.
Either selecting a cell (which happens by default when you insert it - meaning it's already identified as belonging to "that" table) or selecting the entire table (specifically select the left top corner for the + sign).
That would do it very nice!

Is this even possible?
How does outlook know the tables reference?

Please feedback.
Many thanks.

Best regards,
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