Recent content by Bruce Johnson

  1. B

    Modify VBA to create a RULE to block multiple messages

    Greetings all, I have found this "CreateRuleForBlockingMultipleSenders" code that creates a rule for selected email. However, each time I run it, ire cteates a NEW RULE with the same name, and a new set of sender to block... What I would LIKE to to is to have the code MODIFY the CURRENT rule and...
  2. B

    Outlook 213 keeps crashing. I just found out there are DMP files. How can I tell Why?

    Ijust rebuilt all 18 of my PSTs. Hopefully that will help!
  3. B

    Outlook 213 keeps crashing. I just found out there are DMP files. How can I tell Why?

    I have an install of outlook 2013. History: It is a faily complex setup. I do have many email accounts with separtate PSTs I have had issues with lots of spam and I have tried several several spam filters (spambayes and Spambully4) Due to the constant crashes, the index for searches never gets...
  4. B

    Can I create a local PST file for SPAM on a drive that is usually disconnected?

    Hello, I have tons of emails that is mostly spam. I would like to keep these as there may be some item I accidently miss filed or for some other statistical reasons. I have Outlook 2013 and have multiple PSTs for different email address for business and person use. I am familiar with creating a...
  5. B

    Looking to get the Recipient email address (or even the "friendly name") from an email I am replying to using VBA

    Diane, thank so much! When it works, it is what I want (I can then build ifs or case statements once I find the results that I am looking for!) But, the issue is it seems that it will only work once or twice (or sometimes not at all) and then to get it to work, I need to restart outlook (And...
  6. B

    Looking to get the Recipient email address (or even the "friendly name") from an email I am replying to using VBA

    I am needing to get the email address that someone sent an email TO. I have come up with one method that seems to use a link but that link is no longer valid: Const PR_SMTP_ADDRESS As String ="" But I cannot find another way. My immediate...
  7. B

    Reply and replyall macro is not working

    I am trying to setup a macro so that every time I press reply or reply all, it will set the Send Replies to and then an address, but it is not firing at all. I have it in the ThisOutlookSession and other codes I have here are working. I have the security settings to allow ALL MACROS I have made...
  8. B

    When working on emails in a certain folder, when I hit reply or reply all, I would like it re always reply all and add an email address to send to

    Damn, I thought this was just a few weeks ago! I have been sick and just got REALLY far behind. How would I check to see what folder it is in OR what the EMAIL address the mail was SENT to? I am looking to trap emails that are in the \\support inbox. IF it is in this box and I hit reply or...
  9. B

    When working on emails in a certain folder, when I hit reply or reply all, I would like it re always reply all and add an email address to send to

    I want to have it when ever I reply to emails that are in a certain folder, I would like to have it act as if I replied all, even if I only hit reply (mainly adding the email address that the email was sent TO to the sent,) and set the FROM to send from a certain email (again, this would be the...
  10. B

    Looking to filter (or just find/search) for only messages that the sender has sent more than 1 messa

    I am looking for a way to find ONLY messages that are UNREAD and the sender has MORE than 1 unread message. How can I do this? Would I need to create some VBA (if so, could you provide some idea as to HOW to do this?)or can this be done in the filter/search configuration. Thanks! Bruce
  11. B

    Wanting to run a script that will filter any body that has a russian link in it.

    the web site I listed above was just a random that I thought of. I was NOT expecting it to get a link to a specific page and it getting expanded...
  12. B

    Wanting to run a script that will filter any body that has a russian link in it.

    This seems to be the ticket for testing for the link: If Mid(Item.HTMLBody, InStr(1, Item.HTMLBody, ".ru"), 5) = ".ru" & Chr(34) & ">" Then I was starting say say: I based it off of the instr you provide to find the .ru. Now, I am having an issue (this is where my ignorance to OUTLOOK VBA come...
  13. B

    Wanting to run a script that will filter any body that has a russian link in it.

    I tried with a rule, but there were too many false positives.. Let me try it again. Thanks! If not, I will try the macro (which I presume will be much slower...) I did not know about the item.htmlbody which I why I came here to the experts! I may want to do one other test, as when I was...
  14. B

    When I add more search strings to RULES, it is not processing them

    I can put the same string in the search bar and it finds it.... I have deleted a bunch of old rules trying to resolve this, but I still have a lot (80)