
  1. CWM330

    I'm thinking about switching back to POP

    One Drive subscription with Office 365 64 bit ( Monthly) Hi Ya'll, LONG TIME LINUX user here, but decided to give it up and switch back to Windows 10. I haven't used Outlook in YEAAAAARS.. So I am rusty.... How do I set up a pop 3 account .pst ? right now the account is set up as IMAP, so I...
  2. D

    Office 365 Outlook desktop app prompts for all account passwords on startup

    As per the title. Outlook Version is 2207 (Build 15427.20194 Click to Run). If I log in to all 5 accounts (3 Exchange, 2 IMAP) all is good even if I close and re-open the app, but following reboot it asks for passwords again. (I have checked the 'stay logged in' option on the Gmail accounts) I...
  3. Q

    Problems with Autodiscover Outlook 2016

    We have spoken with almost every tech as MS and GoDaddy about this I think. So far no one has offered a working solution. Two email accounts in our domain have constant issues with Outlook asking for their Password and not accepting what is entered. The same users can connect to their web...
  4. 9

    Outlook 2016 How to save an Outlook attachment to a specific folder then delete the email it came from?

    Hello, I'm new to this forum and found a post that look similar to what I need to accomplish but I still need some assistance on how to do it since I don't have much knowledge in this field. Basically I inherited this from somebody that is no longer with my company. There used to be a job that...
  5. W

    Outlook 2019, Outlook Proplus v1808/1809 Unexpected Calendar Cache

    Diane, You are just one of our favorite people! Your website is such a great Go-To for every problem with Outlook and Exchange we use it constantly. Since late September we have been investigating a mysterious problem with Outlook. Affects 2019 Preview, and Office 365 Pro Plus versions 1808...
  6. GoofyDK

    Office365 and meeting ressources

    Hi We have exchange online and i am trying to create meeting rooms as a ressource. I can create the meeting rooms and the users can book meetings in the calendar. I have two issues with this : 1) Other users in the same organisation can only see the booking as "private", not with details and...