outlook 2021

  1. G

    Change default font size in sticky notes - Outlook Desktop 2021

    MS removed the ability to configure this directly in versions after 2010. Does anyone know of a registry hack or macro that can change the size? I have a 2K monitor and the 12 pt whatever in the body of the sticky notes is way too small. I'd like it to simply apply globally to all sticky notes.
  2. D

    Outlook app 2021 & iCloud PST issues

    Diane, can you please help me with these issues? I have attached a pic of the Outlook 2021 app structure. As I mentioned in another post. After the issue with OL.com no longer allowing syncing to iCloud, the MS LV2 tech basically rebuilt a new PST which was no longer connected with OL.com...
  3. N

    Outlook 2021 'Run Script" Rules?

    [BTW -- I'm sure it is already known that Office 2021 is not an option in the account sign-up, so I lied and picked 2019] Is there any way to have an Outlook 2021 rule run a script? I've found many examples of doing this, but it appears that the ability to have rules activate scripts was...
  4. wayneame

    Changing the Form Used by Existing Task Items in a Folder

    To change the form used by existing task items in a folder, I used this as reference and came up with the following code: Sub ChangeMessageClass() Set olNS = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI") Set TasksFolder = _ olNS.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderTasks) Set ContactItems = TasksFolder.Items For...
  5. V

    Outlook 2021 Outlook-2021 (64-bit) and iCloud-for-Windows v13.0 - It Works Good.

    So, I just got finished upgrading my Microsoft Office Pro 2016 (32-bit) with Outlook-2016 (32-bit) and iCloud-for-Windows v7.21 to Microsoft Office Pro 2021 (64-bit) with Outlook-2021 (64-bit) and the latest iCloud-for-Windows v13.0 (from Microsoft Store) TL;DR – It was a fairly easy install...