i have embedded this macro :
Public Sub SetCustomFlag()
Dim objMsg As Object
Set objMsg = GetCurrentItem()
With objMsg
' due this week flag
.MarkAsTask olMarkThisWeek
' sets a specific due date
.TaskDueDate = Now + 3
.FlagRequest = "Call " & objMsg.SenderName...
Hi Everyone,
We’ve been going crazy trying to figure out what may have changed in outlook in the past couple months.
Our company has a software that users can use to send invites to other teammates and people outside the organization.
Up until a couple months ago there was no issue but then...
I have some VBA set up which monitors a shared mailbox inbox & on inbox_add & adds a reminder 7 days in the future.
Unfortunately I've since realized that reminders don't fire when on a shared mailbox, so I was hoping that I could find some further VBA which would monitor the inbox of the...
When contact is opened i would like to have a button in the ribbon when pressing reminder to call contact should be set to next day 9:00
The fields for beginn etc schould not be used only reminder time should be set
Can you pls propose code to do this
Many THX
Regards Witzker
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