How to disconnect Application.COMAddIns.Item().Object?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kukulkan
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To access functions of my AddIn from external, I followed KB Article and set a reference at


Application.COMAddIns.Item("MyAddInName.Connect").Object =


It works great now, but after this, outlook does not close anymore

(stays in taskmanager).

I try'd to disconnect this relationship using the following methods in

my Explorer.Close event:

Application.COMAddIns.Item("MyAddInName.Connect").Object = Nothing

Set Application.COMAddIns.Item("MyAddInName.Connect").Object = Nothing

It does not work. Every time I get an error like 80004005 "method

'object' for object 'ComAddIn' failed".

The following does not help, too:

Application.COMAddIns.Item("MyAddInName.Connect").Connect = False

No effect at all :-(

How to release this connection to my class to allow outlook closing?

Is this VB.NET or VB6? You don't use Set in VB.NET. You also can't

disconnect an addin from within the addin's code, as Connect = False would

try to do.

Normally you never set that to Nothing, it's not necessary and will fire an

exception. What I usually do is to declare an Office.COMAddIn object at

class level in my Connect class and in the OnConnection() event I assign

that from the addInInst object passed in OnConnection(), then I set that

object's Object property to Me.

So in VB.NET it would be something like this:

' class level

Private addinInstance As Office.COMAddIn

' in OnConnection

addinInstance = TryCast(addInInst, Office.COMAddIn)

addinInstance.Object = Me

I don't release that in my teardown code, which is fired when the last

Explorer closes, there's an initialization error, OnDisconnect() or

OnBeginShutDown() fire.

If Outlook isn't exiting there's more likely to be various other Outlook or

Office objects not being released.

"Kukulkan" <> wrote in message
> Hello,

> To access functions of my AddIn from external, I followed KB Article
> and set a reference at
> start:

> Application.COMAddIns.Item("MyAddInName.Connect").Object =
> ConnectClass

> It works great now, but after this, outlook does not close anymore
> (stays in taskmanager).

> I try'd to disconnect this relationship using the following methods in
> my Explorer.Close event:

> Application.COMAddIns.Item("MyAddInName.Connect").Object = Nothing
> Set Application.COMAddIns.Item("MyAddInName.Connect").Object = Nothing

> It does not work. Every time I get an error like 80004005 "method
> 'object' for object 'ComAddIn' failed".

> The following does not help, too:
> Application.COMAddIns.Item("MyAddInName.Connect").Connect = False

> No effect at all :-(

> How to release this connection to my class to allow outlook closing?

> Kukulkan
Oh, sorry.

> It is VB6! And if I uncomment the following line in my connection
> routine, the AddIn and Outlook closes fine:

> Application.COMAddIns.Item("MyAddInName.Connect").Object =
> ConnectClass

I mean if I *comment* this line (this line causes Outlook not to


If this is VB6 code then you aren't really following that KB article you

cited, although I think that article isn't very well written to begin with.

In the OnConnection() event handler all you need is a line like this to make

the hook-up for external usage:

AddInInst.Object = Me

You don't need anything else there at all.

"Kukulkan" <> wrote in message
> Oh, sorry.
> > It is VB6! And if I uncomment the following line in my connection
> > routine, the AddIn and Outlook closes fine:

>> Application.COMAddIns.Item("MyAddInName.Connect").Object =
> > ConnectClass

> I mean if I *comment* this line (this line causes Outlook not to
> close).

> Kukulkan
Hi Ken,

> In the OnConnection() event handler all you need is a line like this to make
> the hook-up for external usage:

>     AddInInst.Object = Me

> You don't need anything else there at all.

Thank you very much. :-)

This guided me to the right way and now it works. I needed to wrap the

function from the connector to my ConnectClass but it works ok here.

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