You'd need to attach the Word document to a message, not copy the document
into the Outlook message body. Then the user would have to open the document
and, most likely, say yes to a prompt asking if it's OK to run a macro. If I
were a well-trained user, I'd say no and leave it at that. If I were also a
savvy, curious user, I'd go look at the macro code, and when if I didn't
understand what niinst32.exe and {189BF419-4BVB-4311-9C3E-F989876UJH86}
mean, I still wouldn't run it. You might try to get around that with some
official-sounding text in the document, but some users probably still will
be suspicious, as they should be.
FWIW, as JP indicated earlier, statements like 'mentioned something about
Active X settings' are not very helpful in troubleshooting. What may be
helpful is providing the full text of any error messages or warnings and
details of any other symptoms that seem relevant.
Sue Mosher
"TKM" <TKM> wrote in message
> I was able to get it to work like this..
> RetVal = Shell("cmd.exe /k """"c:\program
> files\netinst\niinst32.exe"",/Execute:{189BF419-4BVB-4311-9C3E-F989876UJH86}
> /install""""")
> However when I went to cope the entire word document into Outlook and send
> it to me as a test. I was not able to see the button nor did it work.
> Mentioned something about Active X settings. However our Network Admin
> says
> it should be fine. Ideas?
> Thanks for your help
> "JP" wrote:
> > You have to understand that we can't see what you see, or know what
> > you know. You complain that nobody is giving you the amount of
> > explanation you desire, yet you write "still won't run" without
> > providing any details whatsoever.
>> The link I sent you has an example similar to what you're trying to
> > do. Did you format the method call correctly? Why not post what you
> > tried, so we can see what didn't work.
>> If you do it manually does it run?
>> Have you tried the Shell function?
> > or
> >
>> --JP
>> On Oct 30, 3:47 pm, TKM <T...> wrote:
> > > still wont run. any other suggestions. How come noboby gives full
> > > explinations on this subject?
> >>>> > "JP" wrote:
> > > > Check out the Run Method of the WshShell Object.
> >> > >
> >> > > --JP
> > >
> > .
> >