Outlook, Word, Access crash unless run in Admin mode - time dependent it seems


New Member
OS Version(s)
  1. Windows
Outlook version
Outlook 365 64 bit
Email Account
Operating system::    Win 10 Pro x64
Outlook version:     Version 2404 - O 365
Email type or host:    Pop and Msft 365

Hi - a weird one, which started just before 7th March 2024 (my first major Outlook crash).
Thought it was an Outlook thing only - 'Microsoft Outlook has stopped working' appeared a couple of seconds after launch, before showing any loading of profile. Then found that Word and Access had same issue, though Excel seemed ok.
Found that all programs could run if Admin Mode selected (though of course then you use fast search in Outlook).
A few days later I discovered that it might be time dependent - in that sometimes all progs would run with no problem (suggesting that some other program or add-in which loaded later was responsible).
Got better for one day after running the full Office Repair thing (or maybe a coincidence and just time dependent again?) - but still have problems. All Msft updates done.
Any ideas on how to investigate? It is literally taking me about 4 reboots and altering of prog launch times to be able to use - unless switch to Admin.
Hi, suggest you run the Reliability Monitor to view history.
Open the Run menu with the Win+R hotkey, and type: perfmon /rel and click OK.
Thanks for the tip.
Ran - here results e.g. for today's attempt to run Word, Outlook, Access without resorting to Admin mode (which I ended up having to resort to!)


Faulting Application Path: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\WINWORD.EXE

Problem signature
AppVersion: 16.0.17531.20140
OS Version: 10.0.19045.
Locale ID: 2057

Faulting Application Path: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\MSACCESS.EXE

Problem signature
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: MSACCESS.EXE
Application Version: 16.0.17531.20140
Application Timestamp: 6639e6ce
Fault Module Name: nViewH64.dll
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 58524e98
Exception Code: c0000094
Exception Offset: 0000000000098c31
OS Version: 10.0.19045.
Locale ID: 2057
(odd... different error msg, plus nViewH64.dll relates to Nvidia graphics card - which hasn't been consciously changed or updated by me) (could it be to do with checking legitimacy of license? Think that pokes its nose into hardware doesn't it? My license is legit).

Interestingly, OUTLOOK mentions same:

Faulting Application Path: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\OUTLOOK.EXE

Problem signature
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: OUTLOOK.EXE
Application Version: 16.0.17531.20140
Application Timestamp: 6639ea60
Fault Module Name: nViewH64.dll
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 58524e98
Exception Code: c0000094
Exception Offset: 0000000000098c31
OS Version: 10.0.19045.
Locale ID: 2057

Wait... just gone few days further back and Outlook also mentions the VersionMismatch thing:

Faulting Application Path: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\OUTLOOK.EXE

Problem signature
AppVersion: 16.0.17425.20176
OS Version: 10.0.19045.
Locale ID: 2057

Ironically the only app I have display problems with (I use dual monitors) is Excel - like many people, when dragging the window it has terrible lag. Yet Excel is not raising any nViewH64.dll errors...

As I said, if I 'time' the launch of Word, Outlook etc. a certain way - not sure how many minutes after boot up and after Win login - then they will run in non-Admin mode. My gut says that after X seconds, some other app grabs hold of some .dll or something and that makes Wd and Olk and Access throw a wobbler.

I did run the full online Office problems solver thing, which took ages - but only sorted for a day. Started early March. Anyone know of anything that happened with Windows/Office updates which could have prompted?


p.s. re my wild guess re Software Licensing - did note in Event Viewer that "The Software Protection service has completed licensing status check." ended just after first Word crash, and the SPS had started up a few minutes prior. But could be just paranoia on my part...
Past experience with large sw companies means I shall probably avoid doing that - the time wasted on dealing with poorly trained frontline staff - "have you tried reinstalling Windows?" - and the difficulty in getting the question escalated to anyone who really knows the product being the reason.
My logic is this - I'm using a PC which only has software from big companies, and I've done nothing myself to alter the hardware or software.
Therefore the most likely reason for this issue is... an update from one of said companies.
None of these companies are brave/honest enough usually to fess up and say 'we messed up, sorry' - so what usually happens in my experience is that somewhere down the line, suddenly the problem goes away. Because some intelligent person at the company realises they messed up.
In short and on balance - best just to sigh and wait.

To be honest, I personally think the error message seems straight forward enough for me to be tempted to call support - 'Module mismatch - but so many of these support types seem to either lack training or not be trained in lateral or even logical thinking to be able to do anything with it.
'Module mismatch' I assume means that there are at least two bits of Office that are out of sync. I also assume that somewhere the 'modules' are noted (why not therefore displayed in the error message is anyone's guess).
But of course as this error seems time-of-launch dependent, that suggests that one part of the software is querying another module/part whose state is changing dependent on something else on the PC. Or summat like that.

Have to laugh when Microsoft etc. boast about AI - yet the problem solving intelligence behind their own products seems stuck in the Stone Age.
I've been using Windows and Office for heaven knows how many years. I dread to think just how many cumulative weeks of my life have been wasted because Msft and Co. can't be bothered to come up with a plain English way to explain crashes etc. to their customers.

It's not just domestic users who would like that kind of facility - IT depts would love it to.

Apparently Mr Nadella gets paid roughly $48,512,537 to do his job. Personally I'd campaign for his dough to be reduced to a measly $1,000,000 per year, but with a $47,512,537 bonus if he managed to organise a solution to the above.

I suspect we would have a working solution before Fall. Now that's what I call an Incentive Plan.
Update - interestingly a separate program - Camtasia 2022 - is also crashing if not run in Admin mode (and nViewH64.dll shows in the Reliablility report as being the fault),
So somehow it seems that the OFFICE_MODULE_VERSION_MISMATCH and nViewH64.dll thing may be related. As I say, not updated anything to do with the nVidia card for years - so assume maybe the above is due to a recent Windows update before 7th March (though obviously I am guessing).
Early days, so shall report back after a longer period of time - but after the Windows Updates of a couple of days ago, not getting the various issues outlined. Nothing else changed.
Fingers crossed...
Could be many things.
If you are sure your PC is not infected with something, SSD is not failing, stuff like that...

Maybe first uninstall any programs that might be plugging-into Office, like an Addon. See if it's stable running it Vanilla.
If not, try a clean install of Office (presumably the 64-bit version).

If still broken (and you're 100% sure your hardware is good) ... go ahead and clean-install Windows-11 to a blank C-Drive, and rebuild system's drivers and software (ie, clean install Office, etc.).
>>go ahead and clean-install Windows-11 to a blank C-Drive, and rebuild system's drivers and software (ie, clean install Office, etc.).<<
Hmmmm.... there's a job waiting for you at Microsoft Support....
; o)
Probably best for us to wait to swap back to our original router first and see if it goes away, given it only started with the new router with the hard coded DNS.
Update - confirming that after the 2024-05 Cumu Update for Win 10 22H2 (KB5037768) / 2024-05 Cumu update for .NET (KB5038285) / 2024-05 .NET Secu updates (KB5038351 and KB5038350) / 2024-05 Update (KB5001716) ...
... the problem mentioned in original post went away completely, i.e. all apps ran normally and without needing to be run in Admin mode. Nothing else on the PC was updated prior to this.
Should have added, router was not swapped back either, or any other hardware changes. So purely a software issue.
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