word shortcut to search outlook

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Outlook 2013 32 bit
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word shortcut to search outlook
I create data bases with outlook. Sometimes I find new in formation in a word file or on the net that I would like to index into my data base in outlook. but I have to copy paste search outlook to see if it already have it. is there some kind of short cut/ hot key to automatically do this?
it should be possible to convert it to an instant search. This macro shows how to do an instant search using a macro - How to Create a Unified Inbox View - you just need to convert the clipboard to a string and insert it.

txtSearch = "folder:Inbox received: (this week)"
would be changed to something like this -
txtSearch = strPaste

and you'd use the code from this page - Paste clipboard contents using VBA to convert the clipboard contents to strPaste
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