Word 2007 add-in ribbon icons greyed out

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I'm having a problem with a Word 2007 add-in I made. When I click on Add-Ins, the icons of the add-in show, but they are greyed out and disabled.

This is occuring when I obfuscate the dlls I have made with a comercial obfuscation tool and re-sign them before building a .msi file to install the add-in. I have placed messages in the add-in to report its startup and it appears to initialise, but I can't debug it. I couldn't find any code to set enabled = false.

What are the reasons this can happen (apart from the obfuscated version being somehow wrong)?
You do realize that this is not a Word group, it's an Outlook group?

Does your addin run if you don't obfuscate? If so then you are messing

things up with your obfuscation. Since no one knows the product you used or

the settings that's something you're going to have to check out and possibly

post about in an appropriate forum.

"TTT" <alistair[at]timetracer[dot]com[dot]au> wrote in message

> I'm having a problem with a Word 2007 add-in I made. When I click on
> Add-Ins, the icons of the add-in show, but they are greyed out and
> disabled.

> This is occuring when I obfuscate the dlls I have made with a comercial
> obfuscation tool and re-sign them before building a .msi file to install
> the add-in. I have placed messages in the add-in to report its startup and
> it appears to initialise, but I can't debug it. I couldn't find any code
> to set enabled = false.

> What are the reasons this can happen (apart from the obfuscated version
> being somehow wrong)?
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