Macros in Word 2003 - how to transfer to another Word 2003?

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Email Account
There's plenty of online info about transferring Templates that include macros from one PC to another, but that's not what I want.

On computer 'X' my Word 2003 has a whole bunch of embedded (and useful) macros.

On computer 'Y' my Word 2003 has a quite different that I don't want to change. However, I would like to patch in the macros from computer 'X'.

Help, please :)

Later: Ooops - just realized I've asked a Word question on an Outlook forum. Sorry :oops:
If its just macros , open the template and copy the macros to a text file or export to a macro file. Add them to the other macro the same way. I honk you can also put it in the startup folder and load both -if both are, rename one to something like macros. try the site -they should have mire info.
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