Marketing Campaign BCM 2007 – Word 2007 Merge Fails
Task: I am creating an email marketing campaign using BCM. The cover email is
written in Word, initiated from the BCM Marketing Campaign page after
selecting the recipients and saving the filtered list.
Problem: When Word initiates the Write & Insert Fields ribbon pane is grayed
out. When I click Select Recipients|From Outlook Contacts it asks me to
select a profile (there is only one), and then gives this error: Unable to
obtain list of tables from the data source. At this point I'm stuck.
Environment: Windows XP on standalone notebook, all updates current
including Office SP2 and BCM SP2. BCM is working in Outlook and it does show
as a menu item under the Word main button.
How can I fix this?
Thank you.
Task: I am creating an email marketing campaign using BCM. The cover email is
written in Word, initiated from the BCM Marketing Campaign page after
selecting the recipients and saving the filtered list.
Problem: When Word initiates the Write & Insert Fields ribbon pane is grayed
out. When I click Select Recipients|From Outlook Contacts it asks me to
select a profile (there is only one), and then gives this error: Unable to
obtain list of tables from the data source. At this point I'm stuck.
Environment: Windows XP on standalone notebook, all updates current
including Office SP2 and BCM SP2. BCM is working in Outlook and it does show
as a menu item under the Word main button.
How can I fix this?
Thank you.