Windows Update Causes BCM Database Access Problem?

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Outlook 2010 64 bit
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My business partner and I are independent business owners affiliated with a large financial institution. We are required to be compatible with the firm's systems and are therefore required to use Windows 7 (firm is currently allowing users to upgrade to Windows 10) and Office Professional 10, 13, 16.

We are currently using BCM with Office/Outlook 2010 and Windows 7. We have 3 networked user PCs and a older desktop running Windows 7 as our remote server for BCM.

Everything worked fine until Oct 10 or 11, 2017 when an auto Windows Update was downloaded to our PCs. As a result, we were no longer able to access the remote database. We received the error message, "Business Contact Manager encountered a critical error during startup and will be removed from this profile..." We assume the problems stems from this Update because one of the PC's was offline, did not receive the Update and was able to function properly and access the database. Additionally, using system restore to a prior date resulted in our regaining access.

Have any other users encountered this problem? Other than avoiding other "critical" updates, are there any suggested solutions to this problem?

We received the error message, "Business Contact Manager encountered a critical error during startup and will be removed from this profile..." We assume the problems stems from this Update because one of the PC's was offline, did not receive the Update and was able to function properly and access the database. Additionally, using system restore to a prior date resulted in our regaining access.
BTW, if the fix is not the registry key (it will solve one problem), let me know.
That did the trick!

Thanks very much, Diane.

One question: I'm assuming that I can turn "Install updates automatically" back on, since I used the fix after I re-installed all critical and recommended updates?

Thanks again!
Thanks for the update. The others didn't use a remote database and had a different error, so i wasn't 100% sure it was the complete fix.

Yes, you can turn updates back on. Hopefully, they won't break it again. :)
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