Unable to Sync Web/Android MS To Do with Windows Outlook Tasks

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Senior Member
Outlook version
Outlook 365 64 bit
Email Account
Exchange Server
On my Windows 10 PC I am running Outlook 365 via IMAP/Exchange

An unfiltered view of all my Tasks lists a total of 319
In left pane, right-click on My Tasks\Tasks\Properties\Synchronization
Shows 319 items in Server folder and Offline folder
Last sync time was just a few minutes prior my viewing
Browse to outlook.live.com
Select the To Do icon
It takes me to to-do.live.com/tasks/
This shows 147 Tasks
In the upper right tool bar, selecting the ? shows the Sync as "up to date"
My Samsung Note 9 has Outlook and MS To Do loaded
To Do also shows 147 items
From the phone Settings\Accounts
  • MS ExchangeActiveSync- is on
  • Office- Sync is off and cannot be turned on
I'm not sure what role the Office account plays or if it impacts the sync process.
Any help much appreciated!
how many are completed? The count in Outlook desktop includes completed - the count in To-do does not.

Hi Diane and thanks for your response.

Good call but it doesn't quite account for the difference. Here is how the statuses break out
  • Not started- 31
  • In Progress - 130
  • Waiting on someone else- 1
  • Deferred - 5
  • Completed- 152

If I subtract Completed that brings it to 167, so 20 shy of the To Do count of 147
There isn't any other combination of statuses to consider that would = 20

Anything else To Do might be filtering?

One of Microsoft To Do’s features is an integration with Outlook Tasks. To view your To Do tasks on your Outlook Desktop client or on Outlook.com, use the same Microsoft account to sign in to both Microsoft To Do and Outlook. All tasks are stored on Exchange Online servers, so they'll be shown in both Microsoft To Do and Outlook Tasks automatically.

Microsoft To Do doesn’t yet support all the varied features of Outlook Tasks. While data you enter in additional details in Outlook Tasks will be stored safely on the servers, it won't be displayed in To Do. Specifically, Microsoft To Do doesn't currently support the start and end dates, task status, task completion percentage, multiple priority levels, task work hours, task colors, or categories that are available in Outlook Tasks.

Hope this helps you.
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