Outlook to Word Template error

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Outlook version
Outlook 2010 32 bit
Email Account
The My Outlook Calendar template works beautifully on my work computer with windows 7. At home on my vista computer I get a "The Expression Service failed to start and might not be installed error." I have no idea what this is. If I comment out the lines that bug out in the code I can get the calendar to come up in Word but does not have any appointments. The name of the calendar does show up properly so the code is reading some info properly.

Not sure how to fix or if there is a work around. Any help getting this working would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance,

The My Outlook Calendar template works beautifully on my work computer with windows 7. At home on my vista computer I get a "The Expression Service failed to start and might not be installed error." I have no idea what this is. If I comment out the lines that bug out in the code I can get the calendar to come up in Word but does not have any appointments. The name of the calendar does show up properly so the code is reading some info properly.

Not sure how to fix or if there is a work around. Any help getting this working would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance,

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