About replacing word/categories in Outlook contacts

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Below is a copy of a thread I started in the Outlook/Contacts forum (in

reverse order) and was told by an MVP that this forum is the correct one for

my current programming question. The paragraph below followed by the code,

then several questions and comments, are my question(s).

--------------------------------------------------Thank you so much for your reply and advice. Using the links you provided I

was able to piece together a macro that did the job. Naturally I want to

improve on it. Below is the macro I used with several lines commented with

two quotes ('') that I would like to make into working parts of the macro but

I don't have the programming knowledge to make that happen. Explanations and

questions follow this macro code:

Sub ChangeCategoryText()

Dim objContactsFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder

Dim objContacts As Outlook.Items

Dim objContact As Object

Dim iCount, aCount As Integer

Dim strOldCat, strNewCat, strContactFolder As String

' Specify which contact folder to work with

'' strContactFolder = InputBox("Name of contact folder that contains the

category you want to modify.")

'' If strContactFolder = "" Then Exit Sub

Set objContactsFolder = Outlook.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder

Set objContacts = objContactsFolder.Items

' Prompt for old and new category names

strOldCat = InputBox("Enter the old category name." & Chr(13) &

"(spelling and capitalization must be exact)")

If strOldCat = "" Then Exit Sub

strNewCat = InputBox("Enter the new category name." & Chr(13) &

"(spelling and capitalization must be exact)")

If strNewCat = "" Then Exit Sub

iCount = 0

aCount = 0

'' MsgBox "Updating categories, please wait..."

' Process the changes

For Each objContact In objContacts

aCount = aCount + 1

If TypeName(objContact) = "ContactItem" Then

If InStr(objContact.Categories, strOldCat) > 0 Then

objContact.Categories = Replace(objContact.Categories,

strOldCat, strNewCat)


iCount = iCount + 1

'' MsgBox Str$(aCount) & " contacts checked, " & Str$(iCount) &

" updated. Please wait..."

End If

End If


MsgBox Str$(aCount) & " contacts checked, " & Str$(iCount) & " updated."

' Clean up

Set objContact = Nothing

Set objContacts = Nothing

Set objContactsFolder = Nothing

End Sub

1. The first and second lines with two quotes would be a way to select the

folder to be scanned for modification. In this working model the current

default folder is used but the macro would be more flexible if the user could

choose. A way to "pick" the folder from a list of contact folders would be


2. The third and fourth lines with two quotes could serve as status reports

if there is some way to loss the buttons and continue without waiting for

user response. Along with this it would be helpful to disable user input

while the macro is running so as to avoid partial or corrupted changes.

If you know of any ways to accomplish these program modifications please post

here. I can envision a one dialog box solution that would ask for user input

for the three string variables, check for validity of data, and proceed with

regular status reports.

Either way I thank you for your time and attention in helping me with this

seemingly simple, but ultimately complex, category modification.

--------------------------------------------------"Diane Poremsky [MVP]" wrote:

> No. You can use this method to change categories:
> http://www.slipstick.com/outlook/searchreplacecompany.htm
> Group by categories, select a group and right click, categories to remove
> from that category.

> >



> "Jeff" <Jeff> wrote in message
> news:651D7E8B-F4F9-41CE-8007-9C6FB684EF00@microsoft.com...
> > I would like to replace a word in the Categories field in Contacts with
> > another word (often known as Find and Replace). In the future I may need
> > to
> > do this operation in other fields as well. Is there a way to do this to a
> > group of records/contacts?

The easiest way to get a folder is to use the NameSpace.PickFolder() method,

which returns a MAPIFolder object. You can't control it only showing or

allowing selection of Contacts folders, but your handler after the code

returns from PickFolder() can test for MAPIFolder.DefaultItemType =

olContactItem to verify it's a Contacts folder. If not just show an error

message and loop back to the dialog call. That will show a treeview of all

folders, much nicer than having the users spell the folder name correctly.

What I'd do for a categories selection dialog would be to iterate the

contents of the folder (Items collection and get all the categories in all

the items into a collection. That will automatically eliminate duplicate

entries if you set the key of each collection entry to the category value.

That would be placed in a list box to prevent spelling errors, the users

could just select from existing categories values.

Then the new category entries can be made from a textbox.

I'd make the dialog display modally and have it set global values for the

selections when the OK button is clicked.

"Jeff" <Jeff> wrote in message

> Below is a copy of a thread I started in the Outlook/Contacts forum (in
> reverse order) and was told by an MVP that this forum is the correct one
> for
> my current programming question. The paragraph below followed by the code,
> then several questions and comments, are my question(s).

> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Thank you so much for your reply and advice. Using the links you provided
> I
> was able to piece together a macro that did the job. Naturally I want to
> improve on it. Below is the macro I used with several lines commented with
> two quotes ('') that I would like to make into working parts of the macro
> but
> I don't have the programming knowledge to make that happen. Explanations
> and
> questions follow this macro code:

> Sub ChangeCategoryText()
> Dim objContactsFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
> Dim objContacts As Outlook.Items
> Dim objContact As Object
> Dim iCount, aCount As Integer
> Dim strOldCat, strNewCat, strContactFolder As String

> ' Specify which contact folder to work with
> '' strContactFolder = InputBox("Name of contact folder that contains the
> category you want to modify.")
> '' If strContactFolder = "" Then Exit Sub

> Set objContactsFolder = Outlook.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder
> Set objContacts = objContactsFolder.Items

> ' Prompt for old and new category names
> strOldCat = InputBox("Enter the old category name." & Chr(13) &
> "(spelling and capitalization must be exact)")
> If strOldCat = "" Then Exit Sub

> strNewCat = InputBox("Enter the new category name." & Chr(13) &
> "(spelling and capitalization must be exact)")
> If strNewCat = "" Then Exit Sub

> iCount = 0
> aCount = 0
> '' MsgBox "Updating categories, please wait..."

> ' Process the changes
> For Each objContact In objContacts
> aCount = aCount + 1
> If TypeName(objContact) = "ContactItem" Then
> If InStr(objContact.Categories, strOldCat) > 0 Then
> objContact.Categories = Replace(objContact.Categories,
> strOldCat, strNewCat)
> objContact.Save
> iCount = iCount + 1
> '' MsgBox Str$(aCount) & " contacts checked, " & Str$(iCount) &
> " updated. Please wait..."
> End If
> End If
> Next

> MsgBox Str$(aCount) & " contacts checked, " & Str$(iCount) & " updated."

> ' Clean up
> Set objContact = Nothing
> Set objContacts = Nothing
> Set objContactsFolder = Nothing
> End Sub

> 1. The first and second lines with two quotes would be a way to select the
> folder to be scanned for modification. In this working model the current
> default folder is used but the macro would be more flexible if the user
> could
> choose. A way to "pick" the folder from a list of contact folders would be
> best.

> 2. The third and fourth lines with two quotes could serve as status
> reports
> if there is some way to loss the buttons and continue without waiting for
> user response. Along with this it would be helpful to disable user input
> while the macro is running so as to avoid partial or corrupted changes.

> If you know of any ways to accomplish these program modifications please
> post
> here. I can envision a one dialog box solution that would ask for user
> input
> for the three string variables, check for validity of data, and proceed
> with
> regular status reports.

> Either way I thank you for your time and attention in helping me with this
> seemingly simple, but ultimately complex, category modification.
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