Import 2013 Outlook Contact Address into Word

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Karen Koch

New Member
Outlook version
Outlook 2013 32 bit
Email Account
Exchange Server
When clicking on Address Book icon in Envelope in 2013 Word, contact information is pulled in with the company name on the same row as the individual contact name as follows:

John Smith ABC Corporation
123 Jones Road
Jacksonville, FL 32202

How and what do I edit to correct this? Is this an Outlook issue?


The company should be under it - I'm guessing the layout is missing a line break that would push it to the next line. That would make the problem something in Word. you can create custom layouts using autotext - See for details.
I've made sure AddressLayout is correct. I believe it is something in Outlook, because if I open a single contact in Outlook 2013 in People at the very top of the Contact box I see the individual's name and then a hyphen and then the Company name. This is the same way it is pulling into the Envelope in Word. I spent about an hour online with MS yesterday, but they could not help. Any other ideas?
I'll check my notes as soon as I'm back on my desktop, I've seen that format in outlook before, but I forget the specifics of it. I thought it was a custom view, which shouldn't affect what you get in word. I'm pretty sure whatever the problem is, it's removing a line break or causing word to ignore a line break.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
The hypen is also between the Contact name and the Company name at the very top of each contact box in Outlook. This is what leads me to believe it is an Outlook problem. Thanks.
I am unable to get any kind of option to change the sort order by right clicking anywhere. Where exactly in Outlook 2013 People should I be right clicking in the background area? I've tried right clicking everywhere in the individual contact box too. Thanks.
Are you using the People view?

To reset the view to the default for the folder and view, select the View tab and click the Reset View button.

I had tried to reset the view last night but did not get an option to customize. Is there somewhere after Reset that will give me an option to customize?
So the names in the people view have the hyphen? And it's not showing up anywhere in the contact? (click the contact link under view source to look at the full contact)

Yes, the name of the individual shows up in the very top of the individual contact box when you open a particular Address Card and the hyphen is there after the contact's name and then the Company name after the hyphen.
I've uploaded a picture of the actual Contact box. Notice at the very top... the contact name is centered, then a hyphen, then the company name then another hyphen and the word Contact. This is on our president's pc, and he does link Outlook to his iPhone. I've suggested he just hit the return key once Word pulls the contact address into Envelope in Word, but he insists I find a way to fix it because there must be a way.

Admin note: removed screenshot to protect privacy.
Ah. The title bar format is normal when there is a company name in the contact. Now that I see what you see, I'll try to repro and figure out if the problem is coming from outlook and how to fix it.

Hmmm. What is odd is that the company name is in the Display as field. It's not that way in your contact but the display as field can be edited - but it should be either fullname or file as + the email address. Whatever is using that format in display as field could be triggering it in word.

Thank you so much. I've spent days on this. I am so grateful for your help.
Karen - I am having basically the same problem. I cannot customize the AddressLayout in Word 2013. I can use Insert Address just fine in Word 2010 by updating AddressLayout. It seems to me that Word 2013 is ignoring AddressLayout altogether and maybe using something else for the address layout?

Have you figured anything out with this? Thanks.
No, unfortunately. And no one, not even Microsoft, has been able to help. If and when I figure this out, I will make sure I post it here. Our company president is the one with the problem, and he wants it fixed.
Karen - I'm sure you've long moved on from this problem, but I was curious, is you email on a server? I think I narrowed our problem down.
Actually, I have not moved on, and I am still trying to solve this problem. Yes, our email is on a server. We use MS Exchange. I would welcome any suggestions. Thank you so very much.
Well, this is what I have discovered. It is not a solution unfortunately, but may be of some help (or not) to you. What I figured out accidentally through corresponding with a computer freelancer (through is that if I create a set of contacts in Outlook that is on my local hard drive, when I use the Insert Address command button, the contact info is inserted into Word exactly the way I prescribed. If I take that same outlook contact file and place it in the Public Folders (on the server where everyone in our company has access), then again use Insert Address in Word, it does not display the correct format that I set it up - it seems to ignore my layout (AddressLayout) altogether and just use a default layout. And I take that same Outlook contacts and place it back on my local drive, it still outputs the wrong layout - as if it gets corrupted once it gets on the server. Weird I know.
Is your Outlook Contacts in a public folder too?
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