We're sorry but outlook has run into an error

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Senior Member
Outlook version
Outlook 2019 64-bit
Email Account
Outlook.com (as MS Exchange)
Does anyone know how to fix this? I am getting it constantly!!

It was happening about a year ago and then mysteriously stopped on its own, but now it's back with a vengeance!!! I have done a repair. I disabled all Outlook Add-ins, except the Exchange addin (which I did not think I should disable, can I? Should I?) Word & Excel do not have any add-ins. What else can I do? It's very disruptive and aggravating!! thanks
Yeah, exchange is the only addin you need. Look in Event viewer - see if there are any events listed that might give us a clue.
The only event I see is in Microsoft office Alerts - it’s an informational alert with the error message I am seeing, we’re sorry but......... (I don’t think they’re really sorry!!) I checked all the other logs and do not see anything corresponding to the errors. There is a repeated service control manager error. But I don’t know if that’s related nor do I know what that is.

This error will often occur repeatedly every couple minutes and then goes away for a while. But it never stays away! : (
When it happens I have to close the app (it could happen in any office 365 app) and restart, if I don’t save, anything I’ve typed in will be lost.This has been going on for a long time through many windows updates so I can’t say it’s the version I am running. I have done a repair, I could do another one. I know I’m not the only one who is having this issue, there’s got to be something I can do! As a last resort I guess I can call Microsoft support. Any suggestions here would be welcome. Thank you.
The only event I see is in Microsoft office Alerts - it’s an informational alert with the error message I am seeing, we’re sorry but......... (I don’t think they’re really sorry!!) I checked all the other logs and do not see anything corresponding to the errors. There is a repeated service control manager error. But I don’t know if that’s related nor do I know what that is.

This error will often occur repeatedly every couple minutes and then goes away for a while. But it never stays away! : (
When it happens I have to close the app (it could happen in any office 365 app) and restart, if I don’t save, anything I’ve typed in will be lost.This has been going on for a long time through many windows updates so I can’t say it’s the version I am running. I have done a repair, I could do another one. I know I’m not the only one who is having this issue, there’s got to be something I can do! As a last resort I guess I can call Microsoft support. Any suggestions here would be welcome. Thank you.
looks like this error has a mind of its own. i tried reinstalling the program and it has been few months that it hasn't showed up
looks like this error has a mind of its own. i tried reinstalling the program and it has been few months that it hasn't showed up
Yes it does seem that way. Yesterday I was getting the error every few minutes but none so far today. Got to be something that is causing it to show up every so often. I can try reinstall next time.
I did an online repair of O365. It failed, with some obscure error code about my Internet connection and something else, which was equally meaningless to me. So I did a complete uninstall of O365, using Microsoft uninstall tool. I reinstalled o365. After using word for about two minutes I got the ”sorry” error again! It is not my version of windows, this has been happening a long time, across many different versions, it is not the O365 software on my laptop. What else could it be? It happens when using any of the O365 products.
I thought I had disabled all Add ins, but when I checked today there are active ones. I think the word ones I can safely delete based on the description. All the XL Add ins are disabled. There are two in outlook that I don’t know if I can delete, actually should I delete them or should they be disabled? I think I prefer to just delete them all if I don’t need them.

The 2 in question in Outlook are - Microsoft Exchange and MIcrosoft VBA for outlook. I looked up the exchange one online and read that it’s only needEd for business or school accounts which mine is not. It’s an old Hotmail account. Can I delete or disable all of these?

also I had read online that I need to open each app and safe mode to delete the addins, but I don’t understand why. is that necessary? Thanks I hope this fixes the issue. I can hardly use O365, as it is crashing every few minutes.
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