UserForm and ordering variables

  • Thread starter Thread starter Chris
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I need help with ordering an set of variables (strSend,strSubj,StrTime) and

keeping them in that order. I use a userform to allow the user to select one

of the ten formats and assign the order to the variable FileNameFormat

(FileNameFormat = strTime & "_" & strSend & "_" & strSubj). The problem is

that the FileNameFormat takes the values of the variables once and will not

update with the new data as the loop is run (NewFileName = FileNameFormat &

".msg"). Is there a way to store the order of variables in another variable

to be able to assign the values of those stored variables as they change?

-----Variable Declarations---
Global FileNameFormat As Variant

Global strSubj, strTime, strSend, mailClassCheck, EmailPath As String

Global RunOnce As Boolean

-----Module Code---
Public Sub ExportSAR()

Dim TheEmail As Object

Dim ReportEmail As ReportItem

Dim eItem As Outlook.Items

Dim EmailNS As NameSpace

Dim fldrCount, EmailPath2, NbrItem, myfolder

Dim NewFileName, ReportHeader As String

Dim Cats

Dim CheckErr, Exists As Boolean

CheckErr = False

RunOnce = False

Set EmailNS = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")

Set myfolder = Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder

NbrItem = myfolder.Items.Count

On Error GoTo Error_Handler

EmailPath = BrowseForFolderShell


'MsgBox FileNameFormat

'MsgBox EmailPath, vbOKCancel

'EmailPath = InputBox("Enter the save folder location:", "Email Save

Path", CurDir)

For i = 1 To NbrItem

Set TheEmail = Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder.Items.Item(i)

'MsgBox Len(TheEmail.SenderName) & Chr$(13) & Len(TheEmail.Subject) &

Chr$(13) & Len(TheEmail.ReceivedTime)

'MsgBox TheEmail.SenderName & Chr$(13) & TheEmail.Subject & Chr$(13) &


TheEmail.Categories = TheEmail.Categories & ";" & "Red Category"

mailClassCheck = TheEmail.MessageClass

If Left(mailClassCheck, 6) = "REPORT" Or Left(mailClassCheck, 6) =

"Report" Then

Set ReportEmail =


If ReportEmail.Subject = "" Then strSubj = "no subject"

If Right(ReportEmail.MessageClass, 2) = "DR" Then ReportHeader =

"DeliveryReport" Else ReportHeader = "Read Receipt"

strSubj = Replace(ReportEmail.Subject, "/", "-")

strSubj = Replace(strSubj, "\", "-")

strSubj = Replace(strSubj, ":", "--")

strSubj = Replace(strSubj, "?", sReplace)

strSubj = Replace(strSubj, "*", sReplace)

strSubj = Replace(strSubj, Chr$(34), sReplace)

'strSubj = Replace(strSubj, Chr$(9), sReplace)

strSubj = Replace(strSubj, "<", sReplace)

strSubj = Replace(strSubj, ">", sReplace)

strSubj = Replace(strSubj, "|", sReplace)

strTime = Replace(ReportEmail.CreationTime, "/", "-")

strTime = Replace(strTime, "\", "-")

strTime = Replace(strTime, ":", ".")

strTime = Replace(strTime, "?", sReplace)

strTime = Replace(strTime, "*", sReplace)

strTime = Replace(strTime, Chr$(34), sReplace)

strTime = Replace(strTime, "<", sReplace)

strTime = Replace(strTime, ">", sReplace)

strTime = Replace(strTime, "|", sReplace)

NewFileName = ReportHeader & "_" & strSubj & strTime & ".msg"

MsgBox FileNameFormat

If NewFileName <> "" Then

ReportEmail.SaveAs EmailPath & NewFileName, olMSG


MsgBox "No file name was entered. Operation aborted.", 64,

"Cancel Operation"

Exit Sub

End If

GoTo Step1

End If

If TheEmail.Subject = "" Then strSubj = "no subject"

strSend = Replace(TheEmail.SenderName, "/", "-")

strSend = Replace(strSend, "\", "-")

strSend = Replace(strSend, ":", "--")

strSend = Replace(strSend, "?", sReplace)

strSend = Replace(strSend, "*", sReplace)

strSend = Replace(strSend, Chr$(34), sReplace)

strSend = Replace(strSend, "<", sReplace)

strSend = Replace(strSend, ">", sReplace)

strSend = Replace(strSend, "|", sReplace)

strSubj = Replace(TheEmail.Subject, "/", "-")

strSubj = Replace(strSubj, "\", "-")

strSubj = Replace(strSubj, ":", "--")

strSubj = Replace(strSubj, "?", sReplace)

strSubj = Replace(strSubj, "*", sReplace)

strSubj = Replace(strSubj, Chr$(34), sReplace)

'strSubj = Replace(strSubj, Chr$(9), sReplace)

strSubj = Replace(strSubj, "<", sReplace)

strSubj = Replace(strSubj, ">", sReplace)

strSubj = Replace(strSubj, "|", sReplace)

strSubj = Replace(strSubj, "{", sReplace)

strSubj = Replace(strSubj, "}", sReplace)

strSubj = Replace(strSubj, " ", sReplace)

strTime = Replace(TheEmail.ReceivedTime, "/", "-")

strTime = Replace(strTime, "\", "-")

strTime = Replace(strTime, ":", ".")

strTime = Replace(strTime, "?", sReplace)

strTime = Replace(strTime, "*", sReplace)

strTime = Replace(strTime, Chr$(34), sReplace)

strTime = Replace(strTime, "<", sReplace)

strTime = Replace(strTime, ">", sReplace)

strTime = Replace(strTime, "|", sReplace)

'NewFileName = strSend & "_" & strTime & "_" & strSubj & ".msg"

If RunOnce = False Then


MsgBox FileNameFormat

RunOnce = True

End If

NewFileName = FileNameFormat & ".msg"

If NewFileName <> "" Then

If Len(NewFileName) > 160 Then


NewFileName = InputBox("Please Enter a New File Name that is

shorter than 161 characters." & Chr$(13) & "Current file name is " &

Len(NewFileName) & "characters.", _

"File Name Too Long", NewFileName)

If Len(NewFileName) > 160 Then

MsgBox "File name is still too long." & Chr$(13) & "Current file

name is " & Len(NewFileName) & "characters.", vbOKOnly, "File Name is Too


GoTo TooLong


TheEmail.SaveAs EmailPath & NewFileName, olMSG

End If


TheEmail.SaveAs EmailPath & NewFileName, olMSG

End If


MsgBox "No file name was entered. Operation aborted.", 64,

"Cancel Operation"

Exit Sub

End If


strSubj = ""

strTime = ""

Next i

GoTo Done


If TheEmail Is Nothing Then

MsgBox Err.Number & ":" & Err.Description

TheEmail.Categories = TheEmail.Categories & ";" & "Not Copied"


MsgBox TheEmail.MessageClass & Chr$(13) & Len(NewFileName) & Chr$(13) &

Chr$(13) & strSend & Chr$(13) & strTime & Chr$(13) & TheEmail.Subject &

Chr$(13) & strSubj & Chr$(13) & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description

TheEmail.Categories = TheEmail.Categories & ";" & "Not Copied"


End If

Resume Next


End Sub

-----UserForm Code---
Private Sub Submit_Click()

Select Case FileFormat

Case DateSendSubj

FileNameFormat = strTime & "_" & strSend & "_" & strSubj

Case DateSubj

FileNameFormat = strTime & "_" & strSubj

Case DateSubjSend

FileNameFormat = strTime & "_" & strSubj & "_" & strSend

Case SendDateSubj

FileNameFormat = strSend & "_" & strTime & "_" & strSubj

Case SendSubj

FileNameFormat = strSend & "_" & strSubj

Case SendSubjDate

FileNameFormat = strSend & "_" & strSubj & "_" & strTime

Case SubjDate

FileNameFormat = strSubj & "_" & strTime

Case SubjDateSend

FileNameFormat = strSubj & "_" & strTime & "_" & strSend

Case SubjSend

FileNameFormat = strSubj & "_" & strSend

Case SubjSendDate

FileNameFormat = strSubj & "_" & strSend & "_" & strTime

End Select


End Sub
Why not just declare the variables strTime, strSend, and strSubj as global


Sue Mosher

"Chris" wrote:

> I need help with ordering an set of variables (strSend,strSubj,StrTime) and
> keeping them in that order. I use a userform to allow the user to select one
> of the ten formats and assign the order to the variable FileNameFormat
> (FileNameFormat = strTime & "_" & strSend & "_" & strSubj). The problem is
> that the FileNameFormat takes the values of the variables once and will not
> update with the new data as the loop is run (NewFileName = FileNameFormat &
> ".msg"). Is there a way to store the order of variables in another variable
> to be able to assign the values of those stored variables as they change?

> -----Variable Declarations---> Global FileNameFormat As Variant
> Global strSubj, strTime, strSend, mailClassCheck, EmailPath As String
> Global RunOnce As Boolean
> -----Module Code---> Public Sub ExportSAR()

> Dim TheEmail As Object
> Dim ReportEmail As ReportItem
> Dim eItem As Outlook.Items
> Dim EmailNS As NameSpace
> Dim fldrCount, EmailPath2, NbrItem, myfolder
> Dim NewFileName, ReportHeader As String
> Dim Cats
> Dim CheckErr, Exists As Boolean

> CheckErr = False
> RunOnce = False
> Set EmailNS = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
> Set myfolder = Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder
> NbrItem = myfolder.Items.Count
> On Error GoTo Error_Handler

> EmailPath = BrowseForFolderShell
> 'FileName.Show
> 'MsgBox FileNameFormat
> 'MsgBox EmailPath, vbOKCancel
> 'EmailPath = InputBox("Enter the save folder location:", "Email Save
> Path", CurDir)
> For i = 1 To NbrItem
> Set TheEmail = Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder.Items.Item(i)
> 'MsgBox Len(TheEmail.SenderName) & Chr$(13) & Len(TheEmail.Subject) &
> Chr$(13) & Len(TheEmail.ReceivedTime)
> 'MsgBox TheEmail.SenderName & Chr$(13) & TheEmail.Subject & Chr$(13) &
> TheEmail.ReceivedTime
> TheEmail.Categories = TheEmail.Categories & ";" & "Red Category"
> mailClassCheck = TheEmail.MessageClass
> If Left(mailClassCheck, 6) = "REPORT" Or Left(mailClassCheck, 6) =
> "Report" Then
> Set ReportEmail =
> Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder.Items.Item(i)
> If ReportEmail.Subject = "" Then strSubj = "no subject"
> If Right(ReportEmail.MessageClass, 2) = "DR" Then ReportHeader =
> "DeliveryReport" Else ReportHeader = "Read Receipt"

> strSubj = Replace(ReportEmail.Subject, "/", "-")
> strSubj = Replace(strSubj, "\", "-")
> strSubj = Replace(strSubj, ":", "--")
> strSubj = Replace(strSubj, "?", sReplace)
> strSubj = Replace(strSubj, "*", sReplace)
> strSubj = Replace(strSubj, Chr$(34), sReplace)
> 'strSubj = Replace(strSubj, Chr$(9), sReplace)
> strSubj = Replace(strSubj, "<", sReplace)
> strSubj = Replace(strSubj, ">", sReplace)
> strSubj = Replace(strSubj, "|", sReplace)
> strTime = Replace(ReportEmail.CreationTime, "/", "-")
> strTime = Replace(strTime, "\", "-")
> strTime = Replace(strTime, ":", ".")
> strTime = Replace(strTime, "?", sReplace)
> strTime = Replace(strTime, "*", sReplace)
> strTime = Replace(strTime, Chr$(34), sReplace)
> strTime = Replace(strTime, "<", sReplace)
> strTime = Replace(strTime, ">", sReplace)
> strTime = Replace(strTime, "|", sReplace)
> NewFileName = ReportHeader & "_" & strSubj & strTime & ".msg"
> MsgBox FileNameFormat
> If NewFileName <> "" Then
> ReportEmail.SaveAs EmailPath & NewFileName, olMSG
> Else
> MsgBox "No file name was entered. Operation aborted.", 64,
> "Cancel Operation"
> Exit Sub
> End If
> GoTo Step1
> End If
> If TheEmail.Subject = "" Then strSubj = "no subject"

> strSend = Replace(TheEmail.SenderName, "/", "-")
> strSend = Replace(strSend, "\", "-")
> strSend = Replace(strSend, ":", "--")
> strSend = Replace(strSend, "?", sReplace)
> strSend = Replace(strSend, "*", sReplace)
> strSend = Replace(strSend, Chr$(34), sReplace)
> strSend = Replace(strSend, "<", sReplace)
> strSend = Replace(strSend, ">", sReplace)
> strSend = Replace(strSend, "|", sReplace)
> strSubj = Replace(TheEmail.Subject, "/", "-")
> strSubj = Replace(strSubj, "\", "-")
> strSubj = Replace(strSubj, ":", "--")
> strSubj = Replace(strSubj, "?", sReplace)
> strSubj = Replace(strSubj, "*", sReplace)
> strSubj = Replace(strSubj, Chr$(34), sReplace)
> 'strSubj = Replace(strSubj, Chr$(9), sReplace)
> strSubj = Replace(strSubj, "<", sReplace)
> strSubj = Replace(strSubj, ">", sReplace)
> strSubj = Replace(strSubj, "|", sReplace)
> strSubj = Replace(strSubj, "{", sReplace)
> strSubj = Replace(strSubj, "}", sReplace)
> strSubj = Replace(strSubj, " ", sReplace)
> strTime = Replace(TheEmail.ReceivedTime, "/", "-")
> strTime = Replace(strTime, "\", "-")
> strTime = Replace(strTime, ":", ".")
> strTime = Replace(strTime, "?", sReplace)
> strTime = Replace(strTime, "*", sReplace)
> strTime = Replace(strTime, Chr$(34), sReplace)
> strTime = Replace(strTime, "<", sReplace)
> strTime = Replace(strTime, ">", sReplace)
> strTime = Replace(strTime, "|", sReplace)
> 'NewFileName = strSend & "_" & strTime & "_" & strSubj & ".msg"
> If RunOnce = False Then
> FileName.Show
> MsgBox FileNameFormat
> RunOnce = True
> End If
> NewFileName = FileNameFormat & ".msg"
> If NewFileName <> "" Then
> If Len(NewFileName) > 160 Then
> TooLong:
> NewFileName = InputBox("Please Enter a New File Name that is
> shorter than 161 characters." & Chr$(13) & "Current file name is " &
> Len(NewFileName) & "characters.", _
> "File Name Too Long", NewFileName)
> If Len(NewFileName) > 160 Then
> MsgBox "File name is still too long." & Chr$(13) & "Current file
> name is " & Len(NewFileName) & "characters.", vbOKOnly, "File Name is Too
> Long"
> GoTo TooLong
> Else
> TheEmail.SaveAs EmailPath & NewFileName, olMSG
> End If
> Else
> TheEmail.SaveAs EmailPath & NewFileName, olMSG
> End If
> Else
> MsgBox "No file name was entered. Operation aborted.", 64,
> "Cancel Operation"
> Exit Sub
> End If
> Step1:
> strSubj = ""
> strTime = ""
> Next i
> GoTo Done

> Error_Handler:
> If TheEmail Is Nothing Then
> MsgBox Err.Number & ":" & Err.Description
> TheEmail.Categories = TheEmail.Categories & ";" & "Not Copied"
> Else
> MsgBox TheEmail.MessageClass & Chr$(13) & Len(NewFileName) & Chr$(13) &
> Chr$(13) & strSend & Chr$(13) & strTime & Chr$(13) & TheEmail.Subject &
> Chr$(13) & strSubj & Chr$(13) & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
> TheEmail.Categories = TheEmail.Categories & ";" & "Not Copied"
> TheEmail.Save
> End If
> Resume Next

> Done:
> End Sub

> -----UserForm Code---> Private Sub Submit_Click()
> Select Case FileFormat
> Case DateSendSubj
> FileNameFormat = strTime & "_" & strSend & "_" & strSubj
> Case DateSubj
> FileNameFormat = strTime & "_" & strSubj
> Case DateSubjSend
> FileNameFormat = strTime & "_" & strSubj & "_" & strSend
> Case SendDateSubj
> FileNameFormat = strSend & "_" & strTime & "_" & strSubj
> Case SendSubj
> FileNameFormat = strSend & "_" & strSubj
> Case SendSubjDate
> FileNameFormat = strSend & "_" & strSubj & "_" & strTime
> Case SubjDate
> FileNameFormat = strSubj & "_" & strTime
> Case SubjDateSend
> FileNameFormat = strSubj & "_" & strTime & "_" & strSend
> Case SubjSend
> FileNameFormat = strSubj & "_" & strSend
> Case SubjSendDate
> FileNameFormat = strSubj & "_" & strSend & "_" & strTime
> End Select
> Me.Hide
> End Sub
Sorry, but I really can't see the problem here, because I don't know what the

user interaction might be in your scenario. Maybe you should step away from

the keyboard and sketch out a flow chart that includes those interaction

points. In other words, how does "the new data" you described in your

original post get injected into the process? Once you can visualize that, I

suspect you'll see the solution, too -- or at least be able to communicate

more information to us.

Sue Mosher

"Chris" wrote:

> Sue,

> They are declared as Global Variables. The problem is that the order I use
> them in to create the file name, can change. I can get the name correct once
> but I need to know how to refresh the data every time the FileNameFormat
> variable is called after initializing it.

> Example:
> Some users may want:
> strSend & "_" & strSubj & "_" strTime

> Other users may want:
> strSend & "_" strTime & "_" & strSubj

> and yet others may want:
> strSend & "_" & strSubj

> I need a way to accommodate all possibilities of the order of the variables.

> "Sue Mosher [MVP]" wrote:
> > Why not just declare the variables strTime, strSend, and strSubj as global
> > variables?
> > "Chris" wrote:
> >
> > > I need help with ordering an set of variables (strSend,strSubj,StrTime) and
> > > keeping them in that order. I use a userform to allow the user to select one
> > > of the ten formats and assign the order to the variable FileNameFormat
> > > (FileNameFormat = strTime & "_" & strSend & "_" & strSubj). The problem is
> > > that the FileNameFormat takes the values of the variables once and will not
> > > update with the new data as the loop is run (NewFileName = FileNameFormat &
> > > ".msg"). Is there a way to store the order of variables in another variable
> > > to be able to assign the values of those stored variables as they change?

I figured it out. I set a flag to the variable FileNameFormat on the

userform and then use Select Case FileNameFormat back in the module to set

the filename.


"Sue Mosher [MVP]" wrote:

> Sorry, but I really can't see the problem here, because I don't know what the
> user interaction might be in your scenario. Maybe you should step away from
> the keyboard and sketch out a flow chart that includes those interaction
> points. In other words, how does "the new data" you described in your
> original post get injected into the process? Once you can visualize that, I
> suspect you'll see the solution, too -- or at least be able to communicate
> more information to us.
> > Sue Mosher
> > >

> "Chris" wrote:
> > Sue,
> > They are declared as Global Variables. The problem is that the order I use
> > them in to create the file name, can change. I can get the name correct once
> > but I need to know how to refresh the data every time the FileNameFormat
> > variable is called after initializing it.
> > Example:
> > Some users may want:
> > strSend & "_" & strSubj & "_" strTime
> > Other users may want:
> > strSend & "_" strTime & "_" & strSubj
> > and yet others may want:
> > strSend & "_" & strSubj
> > I need a way to accommodate all possibilities of the order of the variables.
> > "Sue Mosher [MVP]" wrote:
> >
> > > Why not just declare the variables strTime, strSend, and strSubj as global
> > > variables?
> > > > "Chris" wrote:
> > > > > I need help with ordering an set of variables (strSend,strSubj,StrTime) and
> > > > keeping them in that order. I use a userform to allow the user to select one
> > > > of the ten formats and assign the order to the variable FileNameFormat
> > > > (FileNameFormat = strTime & "_" & strSend & "_" & strSubj). The problem is
> > > > that the FileNameFormat takes the values of the variables once and will not
> > > > update with the new data as the loop is run (NewFileName = FileNameFormat &
> > > > ".msg"). Is there a way to store the order of variables in another variable
> > > > to be able to assign the values of those stored variables as they change?

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