Userform Field Month and Date.

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Is there a way to create a new userform field for my contacts where it is only a month and a date and for example , if i type in 9/20 it shows up as September 20 and nothing else shows up. So is there something go to in creating form or is there a formula to put in the form that does it?? Thank so so much as I would like to get this done very very soon.
You can create a text field, create a date/time field linked to it and choose from various date formats. if you type 9/20, it will format it as September 20 when the form or page is refreshed.
What format so it does not show the year. What showed shows the day and month but not clear what format?
It's on the control's Value tab if you created a date/time field.
I did it and when i put in 9/20 it shows up as September 14
OPh. You'll need to use a second field of the formula type- this formula should work (txtDate is the date in the first field.)

IIf( [txtDate] = "None" , "" , Format(Month([txtDate]),"MMMM") & " " & Day([txtDate]) )
Thanks much. I am confused. Do I create one field which is just a text field and then create a second field as a date/time field, link the first field that is in my contact form to the second field as you showed that, but put a formula in the second field when I create and the following formula?

IIf( [txtDate] = "None" , "" , Format(Month([txtDate]),"MMMM") & " " & Day([txtDate]) )
Thanks ..I am on my computer to finish it possible for you to write down exactly how I create what you say and which field I put in the contact form?
FYI, the correct formula is this, the format function isn't used.
IIf( [txtDate] = "None" , "" , Month([txtDate],"mmmm") & " " & Day([txtDate])) - you don't need to use Format.

Dang, embedded videos won't work. :(
I don't know how to create anything in this areas and where to put whatever you say....can you please explain?
Create a custom field - a label will work or text box if you disable editing in it's Properties. The formula has the other field name -

IIf( [otherfield] = "None" , "" , Month([otherfield],"mmmm") & " " & Day([otherfield]))
So I create the first field with the Name: MonthDayField, the Type: is Text and the Format: is Text.

Then I create field with the name MonthDayField2, the Type: is Formula and in the Formula: below, is past the words: If( [MonthDayField] = "None" , "" , Month([MonthDayField],"mmmm") & " " & Day([MonthDayField])) , and it said Functinon cannot be found.
And what type of the Date field as you can decided what type of words and numbers?
I did the first field as a date and in Type selected date/time and the next line below selected March 15, 2014.

So when I created the second field using your formula, thats the error.
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