Hi there,
Having an issue that I was wondering if anyone could help me with. We have a large database of patients and referring GP's. We have linked the referring GP's to the patients by using the initiated by... field. That way, when we open a patient we can double click on the initiated by... field and bring up the GP. More recently however, the initiated by... field has unlinked itself. The field is still populated, however it is no longer an active link (i.e. the GP's name is still there, but it is not an active link that we can double click on). Further, when we relink the GP, it will stay an active link for a period and then become inactive again (which seems to be dependent on other activity in BCM, such as opening a different patient, and then reopening the other patient).
P.S. this is unrelated to the recent update - was there before and is there after
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Having an issue that I was wondering if anyone could help me with. We have a large database of patients and referring GP's. We have linked the referring GP's to the patients by using the initiated by... field. That way, when we open a patient we can double click on the initiated by... field and bring up the GP. More recently however, the initiated by... field has unlinked itself. The field is still populated, however it is no longer an active link (i.e. the GP's name is still there, but it is not an active link that we can double click on). Further, when we relink the GP, it will stay an active link for a period and then become inactive again (which seems to be dependent on other activity in BCM, such as opening a different patient, and then reopening the other patient).
P.S. this is unrelated to the recent update - was there before and is there after
Any help would be greatly appreciated!