Alternative to "getfedualtfolder"

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New Member
Outlook version
Outlook 2010 32 bit
Email Account (as MS Exchange)
Hello- first post ..

I have a bit of VBA that checks my default sent items for an email and file save as into a network folder (within a Access Database )
(works brilliantly not my work )
However I have two accounts
primary and secondary

the check sent items only checks .GetDefaultFolder(olFolderSentMail)
is there another way of getting to check an alternative sent folder ?

( I would be ok with it check default and the alternative at the same time )

(background * I need to split EU and non EU emails - ) when I send them they send from the right account - Primary *non eu and secondary EU and this I ahve filtered but the use of a tick box on my form

Private Function FindSentItem(itemID As String, sentFromTime As Date) As Outlook.MailItem


Const SLEEP_TIME = 1000

Dim olkapp As Outlook.Application

Dim olkns As Outlook.NameSpace

Dim olAcc As Outlook.Account

Dim items As Outlook.items

Dim item As Object

Dim attempt As Integer

Set olkapp = Outlook.Application


'Set olAcc = Outlook.Accounts.Session(2)

Set olkns = olkapp.GetNamespace("MAPI")

attempt = 1


With olkns.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderSentMail)

Set items = .items.Restrict("[SentOn] >= '" & Format(sentFromTime, "ddddd h:nn AMPM") & "'")

For Each item In items

If TypeName(item) = "MailItem" Then

If item.Categories = itemID Then

Set FindSentItem = item

Exit Function

End If

End If

Next item

End With


' If not found at this attempt, try again

' after some sleep


If attempt < MAX_TRY_COUNT Then

attempt = attempt + 1

' Pause (0.1)is 0.1 second

Pause (3)

'Call Sleep(SLEEP_TIME)

GoTo findSentItem_start

End If

Set FindSentItem = Nothing

End Function
You need to use the get folderpath function and then will call the second sent folder using

Set sFolder = GetFolderPath("account@domain\SentI tems")

So you can loop the code, I would use something like this:

for getAccount = 1 to 2

select case
case 1
Set sFolder = olkns.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderSentMail)
case 2
Set sFolder = GetFolderPath("account@domain\SentI tems")
end select

With SFolder
' rest of code

end with

I need to put this into action - but I thought it would be simple and if this works - then yes its very simple -
all the other routes I have been "awkward"
Worked like a dream - thank you ..
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