Storing userproperties to array

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Outlook version
Outlook 2010 32 bit
Email Account
I am trying to record all values on contact open event and save them to array.
I have two arrays. cData, which will store data from object objContact and pName which already stores names of custom fields in contact.

If I type
cData(i) = objContact.UserProperties("(040) ID person") ,
everything works ok, but if I type
cData(i) = objContact.UserProperties(pName(i)) ,
I get run-time error 91. And pName(i) have the same data as I typed it in the first line that works.

Can someone help me and explain what's happening.
Can you share the cause so others who run into the same error might learn from it?
Hi Diane
Array pName which stores names of custom fields in a contact, was created from a string of all the names, divided with chr(10). When I split this string in to array pName , items had string name & chr(10). So, I had to clen chr(10) from items in array. Just stupid mistake.
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