Get the seconds with userproperties.add method VBA Outlook

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Outlook version
Outlook 2010 32 bit
Email Account
Exchange Server 2010
Hi Everyone and thanks in advance for your help,

I am trying to create a user-defined custom field with the userproperties.add method in vba outlook.

The idea is that when the user clicks on a macro button the field will show the current time with seconds included. I made the user-defined field with VBA Outlook but It gives the time with the following format, e.g. Thu 05/11/2015 09:23. I want to see the seconds as well

I created another user-defined field with Settings -> Columns -> ADD -> Test 1 with the idea to format UserDefinedFieldName to give the seconds. On the column properties I added: Format([UserDefinedFieldName],"ddd yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss"). However it gives 0 seconds, which is not correct: Thu 05/11/2015 09:23:00.

How can I make a userdefined field which can give the seconds? Here is the code:

Dim UserDefinedFieldName As String
Set Folder = ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder
If Folder.DefaultItemType = olMailItem Then
                Set Selection = ActiveExplorer.Selection
                    If Selection.Count > 0 Then
                        For i = 1 To Selection.Count
                        Set oEmail = Selection(i)
                        Set objProperty = oEmail.UserProperties.Add(UserDefinedFieldName, Outlook.OlUserPropertyType.olDateTime)
                        objProperty.Value = Now()
                        End Sub

Please help me get the seconds! Any help will be much appreaciated!
Hi Diane,

I do not need two fields, I just looked for another way to solve this but it works only with non-user-defined columns such as received.

I am not sure what you mean by value, for the field created invba outlook I use the =now() formula only. I do not know how to properly format it to include seconds.
I also tried
objProperty.Value = vbLongTime
But it gives: 02/01/1900 00:00 :(. Is there a way to show current time with seconds?
It's something with the oldatetime field type that it drops the seconds. Do you need it as a date time field? If oltext will do, this works:
objProperty.Value = Format(Now(), "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss AM/PM")
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