Assigning Values to Contact UserProperties

  • Thread starter Thread starter MWE66
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I am running Outlook2003.

I added several "new" variables (UserProperties) when creating a revised form for Contacts viewing (NCDF). The MessageClass for contacts displayed with the new form (and user variables) is IPM.Contact.NCDF

I ran a (one time)VBA procedure to change the message class of relevant contacts to IPM.Contact.NCDF

Everything seems to work fine except when I try to assign values to UserProperties under VBA control.

There are no problems with existing contacts or new contacts created manually. Forms works fine, UserProperties values are what they should be. VBA procedures that assign values to UserProperties work fine.

If I create a new contact under VBA control and assign values to standard variables, that works fine. But it if I create a new contact using a VBA procedure and assign values to both standard contact variables and UserProperties, the UserProperties remain Null.

If anyone has any ideas, I would appreciate that feedback.

Show a relevant code snippet, please.

In your form design, do the custom fields appear on the All Fields tab under

"User Fields in This Item"?

Sue Mosher

"MWE66" <MWE66.44okgm@invalid> wrote in message news:MWE66.44okgm@invalid...

> I am running Outlook2003.

> I added several "new" variables (UserProperties) when creating a
> revised form for Contacts viewing (NCDF). The MessageClass for contacts
> displayed with the new form (and user variables) is IPM.Contact.NCDF
> I ran a (one time)VBA procedure to change the message class of relevant
> contacts to IPM.Contact.NCDF
> Everything seems to work fine except when I try to assign values to
> UserProperties under VBA control.

> There are no problems with existing contacts or new contacts created
> manually. Forms works fine, UserProperties values are what they should
> be. VBA procedures that assign values to UserProperties work fine.

> If I create a new contact under VBA control and assign values to
> standard variables, that works fine. But it if I create a new contact
> using a VBA procedure and assign values to both standard contact
> variables and UserProperties, the UserProperties remain Null.

> If anyone has any ideas, I would appreciate that feedback.

> Thanks

> > MWE66
> >
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