Assigning a single instance of a recurring task OUTLOOK 2010

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Outlook version
Outlook 2010 32 bit
Email Account
Exchange Server
Our company creates weekely recurring tasks for each of our sales team members - as reminders to call specific customers. Something like:

Every Monday call Smith Brothers

Every Tuesday call Jonas Farms


Each sales men has his own tasks he creates for himself.

Here's the issue - when the sales team go on vacation we want to have another team member cover for that sales team member. But we can't assign just one instance of the recurring appt. It assigns the entire recurring event to the other member.

We then tried to have the sales team "reassign" the recurring event back to the original task owner - but that brings back the task in a single occurence state and the ability to change that event back to a recurring event is gone.

Any thoughts?

The original task can't be reassigned - I'd probably do one of two things -the assigneee marks the task complete before leaving vacation then uncompletes the copy in their task folder and assigns it to someone else. It will make it difficult for a mananger to task the tasks to see if they were really completed - but it avoids copy/paste to create a new task.

The other option is copy and paste to make a new single task just for the vacation period.
Thanks for your response... I'll give the mark complete - then uncomplete - and then assign

Another colleague suggested sharing the vacationing sales team members tasks with whomever has to complete them?
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