Filter Conversations - Filter Out Single Emails

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Outlook 2016 64 bit
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I would like to start with saying "THANK YOU". This website is phenomenal. I benefitted immensely and I appreciate all the efforst that have been put into it.

I'm trying to write a VBA script that separates conversations from non-conversational emails. I receive lot of newsletters and team emails. I'm trying to filter conversations that have the most email exchange. I tried MFCMAPI tool to identify what headers I could use to identify what is a conversation but I could not find any header that would allow me to distinguish it. I would appreciate any help to lead me into right direction.
i don't think you are going to be able to do this - all emails have a thread-index. which is longer in threads then in single messages but you really can't filter on that. Or use the In-Reply-To: line in the header. Or References: field.
Thanks Diane. I found couple of other people asking related questions but not exactly the way I am approaching to the issues. I don't have license for Outlook Spy so I cannot reveal the fields in MAPI but I feel like if I could find a common denominator to identify what a conversation is that would allow me to negate that and find single emails.

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I don't have license for Outlook Spy so I cannot reveal the fields in MAPI
Try MFCMAPI - its free. OL Spy has a few more features, but MFCMAPI lets you do a lot too.
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