Two accounts, Junk email filter only works on one account, office 2010, pop3

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Outlook 2010 64 bit
Email Account
I have seen others post about this issue, but in my case, the accounts are all pop3. I have just changed the order of the accounts to see if this makes any difference.

The account that says send by default works find with junk email. The other just gets tons of it. Both accounts have the junk email set the same at low.

Any suggestions?
Re: Two accounts, Junk email filter only works on one account, office 2010, po

Are they both POP3?

Are you trusting the address the mail is sent to? if the address is in the Safe list or in in the Contacts and you trust contacts, you could be trusting the spam.

(Because you mention that "both" accounts are set to low, I'm assuming that you are aware each account has unique junk settings. )
Re: Two accounts, Junk email filter only works on one account, office 2010, po

Yep, both accounts are pop3. Yes, I know each can have different junk email settings but have elected to have them both the same, which I believe is set at the default anyways.

My account, which was the first one setup, works great, gets most of the junk. But my wifes account just gets tons of junk in her in box and no matter how many times she flags stuff as junk, and

seems to have these put into her black list, but her in box everyday has tons. She just commented on this again to me last night.

I am not sure what your question means on trusting the address the mail is sent to. Can you help me out more.


Re: Two accounts, Junk email filter only works on one account, office 2010, po

This is the junk mail dialog.

Step 1: Confirm the correct email address is in the title bar. If not, select a folder in the account or an email message downloaded by the account then open the junk dialog.

Step 2: Confirm the junk setting. I think low is default. Try High.

Step 3: Is her address on the safe list? I'd actually probably remove your address from this lisy, if its on the same domain.

Step 4: Are you trusting contacts? If so, a contact for your address means if spammers fake the from address, it will be trusted.

Step 5: Check the Safe list for her address. If you are on the same domain, you may not want your address on this list either.

Re: Two accounts, Junk email filter only works on one account, office 2010, po

This is the junk mail dialog.

Step 1: Confirm the correct email address is in the title bar. If not, select a folder in the account or an email message downloaded by the account then open the junk dialog.

Yes, her address is correct on the title bar.

Step 2: Confirm the junk setting. I think low is default. Try High.

I changed to High.

Step 3: Is her address on the safe list? I'd actually probably remove your address from this lisy, if its on the same domain.

I assume this is the safe senders list. If so, I added hers. Mine was not on it.

Step 4: Are you trusting contacts? If so, a contact for your address means if spammers fake the from address, it will be trusted.

It was, so I unchecked it.

Step 5: Check the Safe list for her address. If you are on the same domain, you may not want your address on this list either.

Since I only see a safe senders or safe recipients, which one? I did safe senders as in your step 3. Safe recipients is empty.

Thanks again

View attachment 468

Man this issues sure is so far not an easy one to figure out.
Re: Two accounts, Junk email filter only works on one account, office 2010, po

For now, I would remove both of your addresses from the safe senders and recipients lists and see if it helps. You'll need to check the junk folder to see if its catching good mail - then add those names to the safe lists.
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