Profiles and accounts and PSTs and OSTs

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Outlook 365 64 bit
Email Account
Office 365 Exchange
I've been having TONS of problems with indexing and searching in OL 2013, lately, so I bit the bullet and subscribed to Office 365, and downloaded Outlook 365 tonight. I let Outlook's auto account set up guide me through setting up my accounts, but noticed that I still had issues with the searching. So I moved all of the OST files I had out of C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Outlook.

I used Control Panel > User Accounts and noticed that I have two Mail setup programs there now: Mail (Microsoft Outlook ) (32-bit) and Mail. Since I just installed the 64-bit version of Office, I figured that the Mail one must be a new one. I went into both and deleted any profiles (don't remember which held the profile, but there was at least one called "Outlook"). Then I went into Mail and created one called Outlook365. I went through the pain of manually re-adding all of my many email accounts (too many - that's why i don't want to have to keep working on this!).

HOWEVER, when I start up Outlook, now, I don't see that new profile. I am prompted only to create a new one, called Outlook.

How can I open the profile Outlook365? I tried command line outlook.exe /profile Outlook365. It started updating office, and then failed.
I guess I had some free Office apps, plus some holdover installation files from an install I was able to do via work (Education), plus my 2013 installation, and everything was just confused. I used the Office "cleanup" tool to deinstall everything, and installed from my Office 365 account, and I think indexing may be working a little better. Still doesn't find everything from all folders like Outlook 2013 was able to do (until my recent indexing problems). Would love to see if anything in the "unified inbox" VBA code from Diane needs any updating for Office 365.
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