Hi, I just completed transfering my email from an old HP computer that runs Windows Vista using Microsoft Outlook 2007. I followed the Slipstick recommendation and it worked fine. I have actually researched the issue in great length and have read several different ways e.g. import/export etc. of doing it and found this to be the simplest way. Anyway, the only thing is I did not quite follow the steps by starting Outlook (runs Windows 8) before doing the actual transfer of the old email file. This was the recommendation I read somewhere before coming upon the Slipstick method. Anyway, I did start Outlook 2013 and opened 2 gmail and one POP3 (comcast) accounts which I know has very emails in it(in case I need to delete accounts). I then followed the Slipstick method copying the outlook.pst from the old computer and copying it into the documents/outlook data folder of the new computer. Only the POP 3 email account that I previously opened is listed in this folder. Unfortunately, I opened outlook before I added the existing data profile. Anyway, I went back,closed the Outlook and proceed with adding it and completing the transfer. I did not know how to merge the two profiles so I went ahead and started OUtlook to see if the transfer worked. It seem to work but now I have two profiles, the original profile with 2 gmail (IMAP) and one POP3 email account and the existing outlook profile from the old computer. I am able to choose which profile to use by check the box (Prompt which profile to use). I am able to send and receive emails into all the emails in both profiles but I just need to close the outlook and reopen to go to the other profile. The other thing is with OUtlook 2013, the email accounts are listed separately but the transferred existing account has only one inbox for all 3 email accounts like it was in 2007. Is it possible to merge the two profiles so that all email accounts are in one profile? How is it done? If this is not possible, I can always delete the new data profile and reopen the 3 email accounts in the existing profile from the old computer. If I did that will these 3 accounts be listed separately from the main body of the existing data file? Sorry for the length of this but I wanted to cover everythingl. Thank you.