I am having an issue where when I override default reply mail and give
Response.To as some Outlook user name, I get an error which says "Outlook
does not recognize one or more names"
On further research I found that when there are identical names in outlook
i.e. for eg. Tyson, Mike and Tyson, Mike C then this issue occurs and for
rest other it works just fine. Outlook searches for all similar name though I
want it to pick only the exact name i.e. Tyson, Mike and not anything else.
We have stored the name Tyson, Mike in global variable and we pass it to
Response.To in Outlook code
Now, how do we make outlook send mail as it is and not look for multiple
similar names from Global Address List?
Code Snippet:
Sub Approved_Click()
On Error Resume Next
strAnswer = msgBox("Are you sure you want to Approve this form?",vbYesNo,
"Attempting to Send...")
if strAnswer = 6 Then
Application.ActiveInspector.CurrentItem.DeleteAfterSubmit = True
If err.Number = 0 Then
End If
End If
If err.Number<>0 Then
strAnswer = Msgbox("Data Error occurred
"&Err.description,vbWarning,"Form - Error")
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Sub
End if
End sub
Function Item_Reply(ByVal Response)
Response.To = Item.UserProperties("Assocname").Value
End Function
Item.UserProperties("Assocname").Value=item.SentOnBehalfOfName is the code
for assigning value in Assocname.
Any help in this regard will be really appreciated.
Response.To as some Outlook user name, I get an error which says "Outlook
does not recognize one or more names"
On further research I found that when there are identical names in outlook
i.e. for eg. Tyson, Mike and Tyson, Mike C then this issue occurs and for
rest other it works just fine. Outlook searches for all similar name though I
want it to pick only the exact name i.e. Tyson, Mike and not anything else.
We have stored the name Tyson, Mike in global variable and we pass it to
Response.To in Outlook code
Now, how do we make outlook send mail as it is and not look for multiple
similar names from Global Address List?
Code Snippet:
Sub Approved_Click()
On Error Resume Next
strAnswer = msgBox("Are you sure you want to Approve this form?",vbYesNo,
"Attempting to Send...")
if strAnswer = 6 Then
Application.ActiveInspector.CurrentItem.DeleteAfterSubmit = True
If err.Number = 0 Then
End If
End If
If err.Number<>0 Then
strAnswer = Msgbox("Data Error occurred
"&Err.description,vbWarning,"Form - Error")
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Sub
End if
End sub
Function Item_Reply(ByVal Response)
Response.To = Item.UserProperties("Assocname").Value
End Function
Item.UserProperties("Assocname").Value=item.SentOnBehalfOfName is the code
for assigning value in Assocname.
Any help in this regard will be really appreciated.