Sorting by Day in Date Column Advanced Filter

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Outlook 2010 32 bit
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I use BCM with Outlook 2010 for my insurance business. I use an advanced filter for my clients to send them birthday cards. The filter is designed to show me all active clients who have a birthday in the current month. I would like to sort the date column so that the birthdays would be order according to the day of the month. Since they all have different years I haven't been able to figure out how to sort by just the day portion of their birthdate only so they would be listed in ascending order starting with the first of the month so I could just go down the list sequentially as I go through the month to send them birthday cards. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I have this one that uses the pattern - it doesn't sort by date properly because of how numbers-as-text sort when you have 1 and 2 digit numbers.

In order to sort properly, you need a custom field for the month and day, using 2 digits each if using a text field (0831) or as number (831) if using a number field - either way you will need to use a macro to set the field value.
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