Displaying Date Value In Formula

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Outlook 365 64 bit
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Using Outlook 365 Apps for business. Using latest version as on July 1, 2023.

I have a text field, using the Value property that I want to show values for other custom fields I created. The below seems to work OK using the calculate this formula automatically option selected.

[Program Purchased]+Chr(10)+[License Type]+Chr(10)+[Serial Numbers]+Chr(10)+[Renewal Cost]


When I add in the value for the date field [Renewal Expires], all the data disappears from the display.
[Program Purchased]+Chr(10)+[License Type]+Chr(10)+Chr(10)+[Serial Numbers]+Chr(10)+[Renewal Cost]+Chr(10)+[Renewal Expires]


If I show only the [Renewal Expires] in the formula, the date value does appear
6/30/2023 8:00:00 AM



I have tried other date fields (including the default reminder time) with the same results. Is there something with date values required to display in a formula with other fields.

Thank you.


Last edited:
The field only supports joining text.

I don't think you can use Test:
TEXT([Renewal Expires],"MM/DD/YY")

If not, try this:
Month ([Renewal Expires]) Day([Renewal Expires]) Year([Renewal Expires])
The field only supports joining text.

I don't think you can use Test:
TEXT([Renewal Expires],"MM/DD/YY")

If not, try this:
Month ([Renewal Expires]) Day([Renewal Expires]) Year([Renewal Expires])


Thank you for your help. Unfortunately, I cannot make either of the above options work.

I do not understand why the date displays but itself but not with other fields.

Do you think I should I create a new field such as Combination or Formula to show the data?

Yes, try combination.


I got it to work using a Combination Field. Thank you. I appreciate your guidance.

Program Purchased: [Program Purchased]
License Type: [License Type]
Serial Numbers: [Serial Numbers]
Renewal Expires: [Renewal Expires]
Renewal Cost/Notes: [Renewal Cost]

Program Purchased: Program Name
License Type: License Type
Serial Numbers: Serial Numbers
Renewal Expires: 7/12/2023 1:23:00 PM
Renewal Cost/Notes: $Cost

I found this article Examples of Formula and Combination Fields (might not be a valid reference), but I cannot locate an option to customize the display of the date field:

Renewal Expires: [Renewal Expires]
Displays as: Renewal Expires: 7/12/2023 1:23:00 PM
Would like for it to display as: Renewal Expires: July 12, 2023

Is that possible?


Thank you.

I did try Format, but I thought I was missing something since it was not working. Thanks for your help and feedback.

Take care.

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