Subject Field is displaying Name and company

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Jon Curl

New Member
Outlook version
Outlook 2010 64 bit
Email Account
Exchange Server
I have a client, running Exchange 2010 and OL 2010 Small biz where the Subject field in ALL MAIL fields is displaying Last Name, First Name + Company Name (if there is a company name entered) REGARDLESS of how the Contact is filed. All other clients with similar versions sidplay ONLY the Last Name, First Name in the Subject field. Can anyone tell my how to control this? I have macros that I have to change for this client to accomodate. HELP >>>>
When you open the contacts, the File as field is not using last, first, company format? If open one of the contacts and change it to another format then back to the one it's currently displaying (last, first?) and save, does it show up that way in the view? I'm thinking the file as was changed but for some reason, it was messed up and failed to fully update.
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