ol2021 custom form not displaying pics

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john doe

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Email Account
recently goog forced me to upgrade ol from 2007 to 2021.

the custom contact form that i had used for many years stopped working – it doesn’t display pictures anymore. as far as i can see, the pics are in 2 custom fields, one for path, the other the actual pic.

if i go to “developer” and re-design the form with reselection of the pic it does indeed display. but how to make the form to pull the pic path from the appropriate custom field?

what gives?


This is what I see - and after adding a picture, it still looks like this. The field name in the form is different that what Outlook uses now. I don't remember the control name changing but they did add some new controls - will boot a 2007 test machine to double check it.

Are you using it as a template or published form? Updating contacts using a published form is easy -


Original field name:

But the field name is empty - if I add the field you have for the photo file field, it works.


New photo field name:
so if i put OlkContactPhoto1 to the field in the pic, it'll work?

to my knowledge the form IS "published" - though not sure i know what that means...
i think i added the pics following some instructions on your site, diane. but that's 20 years+ ago.

the image existing on a local path is of course sufficient!

so i should create a new form with the image-property value "User Field 1?"
If switching out the picture controls fixes it without needing to re-add the photo, do that. Otherwise, edit the control to use the photo file field, since it's less work if you need to fix existing contacts.

If you are using a published form, edit the form, update the version number then publish it - all contacts using the form will pick it up. if you aren't using a custom form, you probably should... I have a script that can update the contact to use a different contacts form.
i did try to create a new form with the image-property value "User Field 1," but it fails to load the pic referenced on the User Field1. I will only get the right pic by entering it's path directly to User Field2 properties - which defeats the purpose...
a new form with the image-property value "User Field 1,"
That is the new photo control or the image control you were using?

If the existing contact photos are not showing if you switch the image control - as long as you have a path, a macro could move the contact photos.

This would likely need to be customized to get the images off the old form - but if the photo file path is valid, that field could be used in the next article to add images to the new control.

This adds images to the photo control
the links look good - though i doubt my vba skills.

photo control - image control - i'm not sure i understand the question. the only option i get is to enter the pics path directly, not anything else.
Your form uses a control called imgPhoto, which is probably the Forms Image control - the photo control name in outlook 16.0 is OlkContactPhoto


If I have some time over the weekend, I'll take a look at your form and see what needs to be changed to move the image to the photo control.
Your form uses a control called imgPhoto, which is probably the Forms Image control - the photo control name in outlook 16.0 is OlkContactPhoto

View attachment 3580

If I have some time over the weekend, I'll take a look at your form and see what needs to be changed to move the image to the photo control.
i'm sure i'm using imgPhoto - but i don't even know how to get to the menu as above...
ok, now with your instruction i get to the right menu at least - but dunno what to do there...
Screenshot (405).png
ok, now i do get the photo field to the form. but it still does not display the photo referenced on userField1.

should i change the imgPhoto on the code to OlkContactPhoto?

should imgPhoto.Picture be OlkContactPhoto.Picture or just OlkContactPhoto?

Dim IsLoading

Dim imgPhoto

Function Item_Open()

Dim objPage

IsLoading = True

Set objPage = Item.GetInspector.ModifiedFormPages("General")

Set imgPhoto = objPage.Controls("imgPhoto")

Call LoadPhoto()

Set objPage = Nothing

IsLoading = False

End Function

Function Item_Close()

Set imgPhoto = Nothing

End Function

Sub Item_PropertyChange(ByVal Name)

If Not IsLoading Then

Select Case Name

Case "User1"

Call LoadPhoto()

End Select

End If

End Sub

Sub cmdRefresh_Click()

Call LoadPhoto()

End Sub

Sub LoadPhoto()

If Item.User1 <> "" Then

imgPhoto.Picture = LoadPicture(Item.User1)

End If

End Sub
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