Mass Change Selected Contact Photos

Chris Pettitt

New Member
OS Version(s)
  1. Windows
Outlook version
Outlook 365 64 bit
Email Account
Office 365 Exchange
Operating system::    Windows
Outlook version:     Office 365
Email type or host:    Exchange

I am looking to create a VBA Macro that will allow me to change the contact photos for a batch of selected contacts in Outlook. I wrote the VBA script for this many years ago, but it was lost when changing systems. I cannot find it and cannot remember how I did it.

Here's how it worked. I would select a group of contacts by holding down the CTRL key and clicking on each contact. Then I would execute the macro. The macro would ask me for the file patch to the new photo that I wanted to apply to all of the selected contacts. I would paste that file path in the dialog box and then hit enter. The macro would change all the photos of the selected contacts to the new file.

Any help that anyone can offer would be awesome! Thank you in advance for your kindness!!!!
That is the user photo?
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