Change Font and Font size using VBA

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Outlook version
Outlook 2016 64 bit
Email Account (as MS Exchange)
Would love another set of eyes to look at this VBA code. The font and font size won't change to Segoe UI. When I run the macro the word hello is at Calibri 8.5 and the rest of the sentence is Calibri 10. I would like the all of the words to be Segoe UI size 11, including the date.

Any Help would be greatly appreciated.

Public Sub Reply()

Dim olItem As Outlook.MailItem
Dim olReply As MailItem ' Reply

strDate = Format(Date, "mmm dd yyyy")

For Each olItem In Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection
Set olReply = olItem.ReplyAll
olReply.HTMLBody = "<p style='font-family:'Segoe UI'><p style='font-size:11px'>Hello, <p> The individuals(s) in the email below have been submitted to the customer today, " & strDate & olReply.HTMLBody


Next olItem
End Sub
There are errors in your CSS & you have 2 opening P's and no closed P's. Do it this way instead. (Test with a large font so it's obvious when it works or fails. :))
olReply.HTMLBody = "<div style='font:18px Segoe UI'><p>Hello, </p> <p>The individuals(s) in the email below have been submitted to the customer today, " & strDate & "</p></div>" & olReply.HTMLBody

or repeat the style for each P
olReply.HTMLBody = "<p style='font:18px Segoe UI'>Hello, </p> <p style='font:18px Segoe UI'>The individuals(s) in the email below have been submitted to the customer today, " & strDate & "</p>" & olReply.HTMLBody
There are errors in your CSS & you have 2 opening P's and no closed P's. Do it this way instead. (Test with a large font so it's obvious when it works or fails. :))
olReply.HTMLBody = "<div style='font:18px Segoe UI'><p>Hello, </p> <p>The individuals(s) in the email below have been submitted to the customer today, " & strDate & "</p></div>" & olReply.HTMLBody

or repeat the style for each P
olReply.HTMLBody = "<p style='font:18px Segoe UI'>Hello, </p> <p style='font:18px Segoe UI'>The individuals(s) in the email below have been submitted to the customer today, " & strDate & "</p>" & olReply.HTMLBody

Thank you very much for your help. I see what I was doing wrong and I applied your suggestions and they worked.

There are errors in your CSS & you have 2 opening P's and no closed P's. Do it this way instead. (Test with a large font so it's obvious when it works or fails. :))
olReply.HTMLBody = "<div style='font:18px Segoe UI'><p>Hello, </p> <p>The individuals(s) in the email below have been submitted to the customer today, " & strDate & "</p></div>" & olReply.HTMLBody

or repeat the style for each P
olReply.HTMLBody = "<p style='font:18px Segoe UI'>Hello, </p> <p style='font:18px Segoe UI'>The individuals(s) in the email below have been submitted to the customer today, " & strDate & "</p>" & olReply.HTMLBody
This code is working great!
I would like to improve upon it by making the strDate BOLD.

I tried

olReply.HTMLBody = "<p style='font:18px Segoe UI'>Hello, </p> <p style='font:18px Segoe UI'>The individuals(s) in the email below have been submitted to the customer today, " <b>& strDate & </b>"</p>" & olReply.HTMLBody .............and I get a compile error

olReply.HTMLBody = "<p style='font:18px Segoe UI'>Hello, </p> <p style='font:18px Segoe UI'>The individuals(s) in the email below have been submitted to the customer today, " & <b>strDate </b>& "</p>" & olReply.HTMLBody .............and I get a compile error

Please, what am I doing wrong?

That worked beautifully!!! Wow, I'm learning so much.
I seeing another improvement. Is there a way to organize my vba code so multiple rows are used instead of one long line?

I took my working code and I separated the code so that it would be easier to read and I keep getting compile errors after the Hello,
I added the & to connect the rows. still not working. I tried &vbaNewLine& but got a compile errror and I believe it gives me a new line in the body of my email and not allow me to connect each row of code. Any suggestions?

olReply.HTMLBody = "<p style='font:14px Segoe UI'>Hello, </p> "&
<p style='font:14px Segoe UI'>The individual(s) in the email below have been submitted to the customer today, <b>" & strDate & "</b></p>&
<p style='font:14px Segoe UI'>Thank you,</p>&
<p style='font:14px Segoe UI'>Bev</p>" & olReply.HTMLBody

Thank you for the suggestion. I also learned that each line needs a " before the <p and after the <\p" as well as the & _
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