Recurrence: delete older occurrences / change earliest start time

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Outlook 2016 32 bit
Email Account (as MS Exchange)
Hello all,

I have a recurring appointment, Thursday every other week there's cleaning aid ;-)
Once an instance of the series has passed, I would like to change the start date of the recurring pattern to start 2 weeks later.
As in: I want to clear older occurences of the pattern and 'start' 2 weeks later, everytime.

I found a similar thread but no replies there: Appointment Delete/Change Recurrence

The code below works until the .Save command. There I get the error:

Sub Clear_Thuishulp_Instance()

    Dim objSelection          As Outlook.Selection
    Dim objAppointment        As Outlook.AppointmentItem
    Dim o                     As Outlook.AppointmentItem

    Set objSelection = Outlook.Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection

    If Not (objSelection Is Nothing) Then
        For Each objAppointment In objSelection
            If objAppointment.Class = 26 Then    '26 = olAppointment
                If objAppointment.IsRecurring Then
                    If objAppointment.Subject = "Thuishulp" Then
                        Set o = objAppointment
                        Exit For
                    End If
                End If
            End If
    End If

    If o Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox "Recurring 'Thuishulp' appointment not found. Please select it first."
        Exit Sub
    End If

    With o
        .GetRecurrencePattern.PatternStartDate = .GetRecurrencePattern.PatternStartDate + 14
    End With

End Sub

Also, visually in my calendar, I don't see the pattern shifting to 2 weeks later.

What am I missing please ?

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