Outlook VBA change GetDefaultFolder dynamically

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Outlook 2016 32 bit
Email Account
I am working on a private Outlook project where I can read all emails from a specific account, starting in a specific folder, looking only in a specific folder, from a specific date etc.

Usually the default start folder is the InBox (in Dutch Postvak IN). To start there I would use the following line of code:
Set olparentfolder = olAccount.DeliveryStore.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)

I have a drop-down list with all the sub-folders in the InBox. So I would like to change this line of code dynamically and start the search from the chosen sub-folder.
Usually the code would be something like:
Set olparentfolder = olAccount.DeliveryStore.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox).Folders("Main").Folders("Main-Sub") etc.

What I obviously don't know is the level of .Folders in the code. So this has to be dynamic. I could use a Case statement and code for lets say 10 levels, but that is not very dynamically.

I have created a small sub to explain what I mean. In this sub the line of code with "set = ..." is a string. But what I can do with the string I would also like to do with the set statement itself. I changed the sub a bit so it will work here at the forum.

Any suggestions are welcome.


Sub Startfolder_Splitten()

Dim arr() As String
' Split de string in een array (i.e. "Hoofdfolder\Subfolder-1\Subfolder 1-1")
'arr = Split(UI_Emails_Inlezen.Range("cel_Te_Gebruiken_Startmap").Value, "\")
arr = Split("Hoofd\Sub\Subsub\SubSubSub\SubSubSubSub\SubSubSubSubSub", "\")

' Even elk item in de array printen naar het Directe venster
Dim i As Long
For i = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr)
Debug.Print i, arr(i)

Dim aantal_niveaus As Long
aantal_niveaus = i
Debug.Print aantal_niveaus

'Set olparentfolder = olAccount.DeliveryStore.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox) geeft standaard als default "Postvak IN of in het Engels InBox"
'0 Hoofdfolder
'1 SubFolder-1
'Moet dus worden
'Set olparentfolder = olAccount.DeliveryStore.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox).Folders("Hoofdfolder").Folders("Subfolder-1")

Dim formule As String
Dim geen_sub_niveau As String
Dim j As Long
formule = "Set olparentfolder = olAccount.DeliveryStore.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)"
geen_sub_niveau = "- Kies uit onderstaande lijst -"

If UI_Emails_Inlezen.Range("cel_Te_Gebruiken_Startmap").Value <> geen_sub_niveau Then
Debug.Print "Wel sub-niveau"

For j = 1 To i
formule = formule & ".Folders(""" & arr(j - 1) & """)"
Next j
Debug.Print "Geen sub-niveau"
GoTo Einde
End If


Debug.Print formule

'Dit werkt, maar hoe krijg ik dit in de VBA-code zelf

End Sub
The function here should work -

you'll get the full path from the dropdown and pass it to the function like this:
Set olparentfolder = GetFolderPath(foldervariable)
Hello Diane,

Thanks for the link. This seems to be what I am looking for. However, problably due to my lack of sufficient skills, I can't seem to get it to work the way it should.
I uploaded my file. Maybe you can have a quick look where I am doing something wrong. The sub "Alle_Emails_Uit_Alle_Folders_En_Subfolders" is in module "A006_Emails_Inlezen_Alle_Sheets" and it calls the function "ProcessFolder".

I would like to use your Function in two possible places. One to determine the starting folder and the other to search only in a specific folder/folders.
Also I found a really nice course on Udemy from Daniel Strong called "Excel VBA & Microsoft Outlook Mastery and Automation". I enlisted and will start this course after in January. So in the future I hope to be able these kind of problems myself.


Ah... it (or excel) needs a little tweaking to make it work since the macro is written for Outlook's object model. You need to bind to the outlook object model, either using code or setting it in Tools > References. Even with it bound, Outlook macros may need a little tweaking to run from Excel.

While a function is good for reusing code, it might be easier to work it into the code to run it from Excel.

One to determine the starting folder and the other to search only in a specific folder/folders.
Folder picker might be better for this. You start the macro, pick the folder to use. The getfolderpath function is good for hardcoding the path in the macro.
Dim objApp As Outlook.Application
Dim objNS As Outlook.NameSpace

Set objApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set objNS = objApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set olparentfolder = objNS.PickFolder
Thanks for your help Diane.

I am already working on the part for the specific folder/folders and the code I came up with is working.
I simply split the FolderPath at "Inbox\" and in the array I use array(1) being the part after "Inbox". I then compare this with the folder I have asked to only look in. And if there is no array(1), which is the case if the script is searching the "Inbox" itself, it skips to the next email.

For the starting folder I guess I have to stick with the Pickfolder method.
Not likely since the macro would open Outlook itself if not already open. I guess the active folder would then be the InBox.

I have been considering a solution other than the PickFolder method but I don't really see a lot of options.
What I could imagine is a sort of combination between the starting folder and the folders I only want to search in.
There are 3 scenario's thinkable. 0, 1 or >1 searchfolders.
In case of 0 there is no need to change the starting folder. That should always be the InBox.
In case of > 1 it will be almost impossible to come up with a reliable starting folder.
In case of 1 I would then this should also be the starting folder.

In this last case I could split the folderpath (sub\subsub\subsubsub) and find the number of levels. And maybe then hardcode say 10 levels using the values in the array. A bit like in my very first example.
Something like:
if level =4 ...
if level =5 then Set olparentfolder = olAccount.DeliveryStore.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox).Folders(arr(1)).Folders(arr(2)).Folders(arr(3)).Folders(arr(4)).Folders(arr(5))
if levell = 6 ...

I have no idea if this could work. Not really dynamic but would surely be good for the performance of the search.
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