Fetch, edit and forward an email with VBA outlook

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Outlook 2021 64 bit
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Office 365 Exchange
Hello everyone I have never used VBA and I was assigned a task at work, but I can't complete it, so I thought I would ask for your help.

What they asked me to do is:
1)Fetch from the inbox (adc@gmail.it) only some emails (to recognize them I noticed that these emails in the body contain "Ticket information" ->but this I think can be done by applying a rule to the inbox).
2)The body of the email should be modified by removing hidden tags (which are always in the last two lines).
3)Forward that email (by removing the header that is generated when forwarding an email) from a mailbox (def@gmail.it) to the initial mailbox abc@gmail.it

Could you please help me, I hope I was clear in my explanation.
The macros on this page will get you halfway there - "Find a code in the message body, then forward" would be the closest and need less customization. They use rules but can be converted to an itemadd macro to watch the mailbox. Either way, it only runs when Outlook is open.
Run a Script Rule: Forwarding Messages

If you use the rule method - it looks for the condition- ticket information - and then calls up a script, removes the hidden content and sends it.

Do you need to include the last two lines without the hidden tags or can the lines be removed?

The easiest way to remove the message header - From, to, subject, date - from the forward is to copy the body and paste it in the Forward. If you don't need the last 2 lines, it might be possible easier to copy all but the last two. Or it might work to paste as plain text, if there are no hyperlinks you need to keep.
The macros on this page will get you halfway there - "Find a code in the message body, then forward" would be the closest and need less customization. They use rules but can be converted to an itemadd macro to watch the mailbox. Either way, it only runs when Outlook is open.
Run a Script Rule: Forwarding Messages

If you use the rule method - it looks for the condition- ticket information - and then calls up a script, removes the hidden content and sends it.

Do you need to include the last two lines without the hidden tags or can the lines be removed?

The easiest way to remove the message header - From, to, subject, date - from the forward is to copy the body and paste it in the Forward. If you don't need the last 2 lines, it might be possible easier to copy all but the last two. Or it might work to paste as plain text, if there are no hyperlinks you need to keep.

Hi Diana meanwhile thank you for the feedback,
unfortunately having a short deadline and never having used VBA before I am in a lot of trouble.
Would you happen to be able to show me how to set up the whole macro please?
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