how can i edit email address/es from the from field

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Outlook version
Outlook 2010 32 bit
Email Account
Exchange Server
I have a bunch of emails from one contact that has come in to my inbox as multiple names. for example the contacts name is john wip. when i hit the from field to organize by name in my inbox there are 4 different names for john wip but they are all the same email address. i have john; johnwip; john wip; john whip all as separate names in my inbox in the from field. i want them all to be 1 name.
see my photo


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Sorry I missed this - I took some time off over the Easter holiday and never caught up.

You have little control over the display name - Outlook picks it up from the message header. It is possible to display the email address in the message list but I forget if you can group by it - Adding Extended MAPI Fields to Outlook | Slipstick Systems
I use the address form with Outlook 2010. The one that shows SenderID is Exchange 2003 - that is used with IMF (anti spam). The sender email address works in all versions.
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