Any way to edit the message field on a 2010 Outlook Form?

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Outlook version
Outlook 2010 32 bit
Email Account
I created a form and saved it as a template. I need to be able to attach files to the form, and it seems like the only way to do that is to have a "message" field. When I created the form I used the message field and it has my signature. Well, it turns out I'll need different users to access the form, so I don't really want my signature on it, but I can't delete the signature out of the message field (when I click on "design this form" to edit it).

So I guess there's 2 questions - besides having a message field in a form, how else do I enable the ability to attach a file to a form?

Or, if the only way is to have attachment is to have a message field, how can I edit that message field so it doesn't have my signature? I'm stumped....and I really don't wan't to start over in designing the form. Any ideas? I'm using Outlook 2010.

When you open a new form, before going in to customize it, delete your signature. That should solve your problem. AFAIK, you will need the messages field and AFAIK, you can't tell outlook not to add the signature field.
When you open a new form, before going in to customize it, delete your signature. That should solve your problem. AFAIK, you will need the messages field and AFAIK, you can't tell outlook not to add the signature field.

Thank you Diane! A simple solution it turns out. I was always trying to customize it first, but deleting the sig before I customized worked like a charm.
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