
  1. B

    Requesting VBA code to make Outlook prompt for confirmation when deleting a task?

    May I ask is there some way, either with an interface setting I can't find or with VBA code, to make Outlook prompt me for confirmation before deleting a task? Here's what happens to me painfully often: I get an e-mail containing something I need to add to an existing task. I double-click the...
  2. T

    Why do Outlook Desktop 2021 tasks from my wife's email show up in my task pane?

    Win 11 , Outlook 2021 for Desktop When I add my wife's email account to my Outlook all a lot of her tasks show up in my task list. I do not want to see her tasks. Her tasks look like they were created from her email messages. Cannot figure out how to filter hers out. Any help?? FYI both of our...
  3. S

    Outlook 365 Help me create a Macro to make some received emails into tasks?

    Hello, because I often miss all of the tasks I have to do I wanted to automate some things in outlook. Every time I have to do something new I get an email in a standardized form. I would like to have a macro that automatically takes the Mail with a specific subject, copies a specific part of...
  4. kburrows

    Reset Date to Keep Tasks from Archiving

    Is there a better way than creating a new retention policy in Microsoft 365 to keep Tasks from archiving? Creating a retention policy as per Microsoft recommendation requires manually setting archive/retention for each folder and any future new folders. I also get complaints that users can't...
  5. S

    Change "This Week" flag start date behavior

    When I change a flag to "This Week", it sets a due date of Friday and a start date of two days from today. So, if it is Monday, setting a task to "This Week" will set a start date of Wednesday. I'd rather "This Week" flag choose a start date of "Tomorrow." Is there any way to change this...
  6. O

    Outlook tasks - Add text column with multiple lines

    Hi there, I am trying to create a tasklist in outlook where I would like to have a column where I can add text which supports multiple lines (this shall work for flagged emails and manually added tasks). I was only able to add a custom column which supports one line only. Is this possible? If...
  7. E

    Can't accept or decline task (no button appears)

    Hello, I can't accept or decline tasks that are sent to me. I don't even see the button. Also my message looks weird. However I can send task to the same person and everything is ok.
  8. M

    Daily Task List Minimized Cannot Display

    Daily Task List Minimized Cannot Display After years of using the Daily Task List (set by Start Date) at the foot of my Calendar, I cannot get it to display as Normal. When I click on the arrow to the right of the Daily List, it does not respond. It is it also not responsive when I click on...
  9. F

    Sharepoint tasks from multiple accounts in To-Do List

    Hello, I have several Office 365 accounts (different organizations / different domains) in Outlook 2016 (32bit). Within each account I 'm member of several Groups 365 with their coresponding Sharepoint sites and with Task apps added. I connected Sharepoint Tasks belonging to each account and...
  10. U

    HTML Task Alternate Home Page View Control

    I have been extensively using tasks in Outlook for years and typically have been using different Views, recently I have been using an HTML page inside Outlook to give some different combined views, like putting tasks in an Eisenhauser Matrix. This seems to be working pretty well; however, I...
  11. J

    Outlook 2016 - Tasks View Settings Missing

    I use tasks extensively. I use custom fields and I use: Grouping, Sorting, Conditional Formatting, and Filtering, to customize my task lists. Grouping, Sorting, Conditional Formatting, and Filtering are usually available by right clicking on the column headers and selecting View Settings in...
  12. copperberry

    How to view all tasks across task folders

    Hello Diane, I am using Microsoft's new To-Do app on my Android phone. It syncs my tasks with my Outlook 2016 account beautifully! It also allows me to make "lists" of tasks on my phone which appear as task folders in Outlook. My question is: Is there a way in Outlook 2016 to create a view that...
  13. J

    Tasks - the missing link... for me at least.

    Hi all I love Outlook Tasks. I customize the list view all sorts of ways to suit my needs and run it alongside my calendar to great effect. The only thing that has continued to bug me in not being able to edit in the reading pane - is there still no solution to this? And now a new desire...
  14. F

    Send multiple batch tasks to single person

    When I'm setting up a new job (we do numerous jobs a month) I have a list of tasks which are created need to be assigned all at once to a single individual. So say there's 10 tasks, can they all be assigned at once to a single person...? Is there a way to assign all those tasks together to a...
  15. copperberry

    How to display incomplete tasks due on or before 7 days from now

    I love the Next 7 Days view in Tasks. However, I wish it also listed any other tasks that were due before today that are still incomplete. How do I set this up in the Manage Views? I tried entering the following in the Advanced Tab, but it didn't work: Status not equal to Completed Due Date on...
  16. Diane Poremsky

    Create a Task when a Message is Flagged

    Diane Poremsky submitted a new article on Slipstick.com Create a Task when a Message is Flagged Continue reading the Original Article at Slipstick.com
  17. O

    VBA or other solution for Outlook tasks to OneNote

    I know that I can link tasks to OneNote. The problem is that the body text of the task is not copied to OneNote. For us this is a must as I do not want to switch over all the time to OneNote (especially during travel/with customers). Printing is an option but, it only prints an image which...
  18. Diane Poremsky

    Assign one task to several people

    Diane Poremsky submitted a new article on Slipstick.com Assign one task to several people Continue reading the Original Article at Slipstick.com
  19. Diane Poremsky

    Automatically create a task when sending a message

    Diane Poremsky submitted a new article on Slipstick.com Automatically create a task when sending a message Continue reading the Original Article at Slipstick.com
  20. Diane Poremsky

    Create a Series of Tasks using VBA

    Diane Poremsky submitted a new article on Slipstick.com Create a Series of Tasks using VBA Continue reading the Original Article at Slipstick.com