Outlook Classic - JPG files are corrupted when opened or saved


Senior Member
Outlook version
Outlook 365 64 bit
Email Account
Office 365 Exchange
Operating system::    Windows 11 Pro 24H2
Outlook version:     Classic Outlook 365
Email type or host:    Microsoft Hosted Exchnage

Here's a new one. I just upgraded to Windows 11 24H2. Everything that were posted bugs were not issue, but I find that jpg files when previewed, opened, or saved from Outlook classic are now corrupted. If I open them from a browser or from the New Outlook, they open and preview with no problems. I have tried changing the default viewers, checked the registry to make sure the file previewers were correct, cleared the Outlook cache, did a repair of Office, opened in safe mode, etc. and nothing seems to fix the preview issue. When I get a jpg attachment, even the thumbnail in the message doesn't show correctly. When I preview it, I get "This file cannot be previewed because of an error with the following previewer: Microsoft Outlook image previewer." If I save it to my computer, any Microsoft image viewer shows the file as corrupt. I can open it in Lightroom and Irfanview, which makes it doubly strange. Previewing, opening, saving were not an issue before the 24H2 update.

I read somewhere about a Mimecast issue that was very similar to this, but I don't know how to reverse engineer it for Outlook. Some kind of permission in the cloud gateway: and Customer Community but those appear to be rules to allow non-standard file types like .exe and .mdb to be allowed to pass through the email servers.

I am stuck. I rolled back 24H2 and it worked again, but then got stuck with the update again a few days later. At some point, I'm going to have to install it, or I will skip any future security updates until I do. When I did roll it back, I had to reset all my file associations, so that wasn't any fun either.

Anyone seen this before and have any suggestions? As a note, I manage hundreds of computers, so as 24H2 rolled out on a few of these, I am finding they have the same jpg corruption issues.

Outlook Previewer.png

Photo Viewer.png
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So its only image attachments that are a problem, images embedded in the message display ok?

Opening them in Microsoft photo apps doesn't work but other apps can open the file... that sounds almost like a problem with the app. If the mail is processed by Mimecast, it could be doing something that causes the windows apps to detect the images as corrupt.
Nothing as a previewer works. Embedded jpgs show up fine in the message body. I have figured out that it is only some jpg files, so I don't know if there is some encoding in the image that Microsoft doesn't like and isn't recognizing it as a jpg file.

I installed 24H2 on another computer and had the same issue with those jpg files.

I don't use Mimecast, but it was the only article I found that even mentions a similar issue. Maybe it is an encoding issue and is blocked like an exe or mdb file would be as an attachment. That would end up being a Microsoft issue, which means it probably won't get resolved. These are security camera motion notifications, so pretty important. I have also asked the camera vendor to look at it.
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