Redemption.RDOSession logon() stops emails sending-they stay in Ou

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I have a problem with my Outlook Addin, I'm using VSTO and Outlook 2007. I

am also using redemption for some of my events.

' Declarations

Public WithEvents myRDOsession As Redemption.RDOSession

in ThisAddIn_Startup() I have the following code

myRDOsession = New Redemption.RDOSession


The above line i.e. the logon() stops emails going out. Any email that I

send stays in the Outbox folder. If I comment out Logon() then emails go out

without a problem. I obviously need the RDOSession to be logged on.

I've tried to use myRDOsession.LogonExchangeMailbox(gstrUserID, "") which

works and email send correctly but I then won't have access to all the Stores

(myRDOsession.Stores will not contain my PST file Stores)

Has anyone come across this problem before, this is really starting to bug


Any help will be greatly appreciated!


In an addin assign NameSpace.MAPIOBJECT to RDOSession.MAPIOBJECT instead of

using the Logon() method.

"Nabil" <Nabil> wrote in message
> Hi,

> I have a problem with my Outlook Addin, I'm using VSTO and Outlook 2007.
> I
> am also using redemption for some of my events.

> ' Declarations
> Public WithEvents myRDOsession As Redemption.RDOSession

> in ThisAddIn_Startup() I have the following code

> myRDOsession = New Redemption.RDOSession
> myRDOsession.Logon()

> The above line i.e. the logon() stops emails going out. Any email that I
> send stays in the Outbox folder. If I comment out Logon() then emails go
> out
> without a problem. I obviously need the RDOSession to be logged on.

> I've tried to use myRDOsession.LogonExchangeMailbox(gstrUserID, "") which
> works and email send correctly but I then won't have access to all the
> Stores
> (myRDOsession.Stores will not contain my PST file Stores)

> Has anyone come across this problem before, this is really starting to bug
> me!!!

> Any help will be greatly appreciated!

> Thanks

> Nabil
Thanks Ken, I tried what you suggested but it hasn't solved my problem.

Emails are still waiting in my Outbox.

myRDOsession.LoggedOn reports as true

Any other suggestions?



"Nabil" wrote:

> Hi,

> I have a problem with my Outlook Addin, I'm using VSTO and Outlook 2007. I
> am also using redemption for some of my events.

> ' Declarations
> Public WithEvents myRDOsession As Redemption.RDOSession

> in ThisAddIn_Startup() I have the following code

> myRDOsession = New Redemption.RDOSession
> myRDOsession.Logon()

> The above line i.e. the logon() stops emails going out. Any email that I
> send stays in the Outbox folder. If I comment out Logon() then emails go out
> without a problem. I obviously need the RDOSession to be logged on.

> I've tried to use myRDOsession.LogonExchangeMailbox(gstrUserID, "") which
> works and email send correctly but I then won't have access to all the Stores
> (myRDOsession.Stores will not contain my PST file Stores)

> Has anyone come across this problem before, this is really starting to bug
> me!!!

> Any help will be greatly appreciated!

> Thanks

> Nabil
How are you sending the emails?

If they are staying in Outbox after being sent from the UI then something is

messing with the items there, which will cancel the send.

If you are sending using Redemption, for example, rdoItem.Send(), then you

might need to initiate a SyncObjects() call to start the transport. I

usually use something like NameSpace.SyncObjects(1).Start().

"Nabil" <Nabil> wrote in message
> Thanks Ken, I tried what you suggested but it hasn't solved my problem.
> Emails are still waiting in my Outbox.

> myRDOsession.LoggedOn reports as true

> Any other suggestions?

> Thanks

> Nabil
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