This problem occurs when the meeting organizer is using Outlook 2007 SP2 and the attendee:
a. is using a non-Outlook client, or
b. has an Exchange 2007 mailbox and the Calendar assistant processes the meeting
Outlook always includes the meeting date/time and location in the body of meeting requests so non-Outlook clients (otherwise known as " down-level" clients) can see this information even if they don't get the normal Outlook UI for handling meetings (like Accept, Decline, etc.). Since Outlook knows about the existence of this text it knows to hide the text when you view the same meeting using Outlook.
Normally, this is not a problem. However, during Daylight Saving time (DST) the down-level text does not accurately reflect the correct DST adjustment. Therefore, this additional note was added in SP2 to the down-level text so recipients know the time listed may not be correct (1 hour off). This is why the down-level text now has the following text:
" The GMT offset above does not reflect daylight saving time adjustments."
The following are examples of some down-level clients that will display this text:
Outlook Express
BlackBerry device
Any handheld device
other 3rd party email client
Mike Shen