I have a contact form with the script that creates a calendar event for the contact I open and uses the fields of the contact re dates and subjects and locations and adds them to the appointment ....
I learned to add to the script code, a line that will put in the note field of the appointment, the phone numbers of the contact ....and I have title before each phone number....so all i need to do, is have the second phone number and related title be below the first phone number and title, so its two lines, not just one line....so here is the code line that takes care of the note field, but need to put something in so it makes it two lines in the note field of the appointment.
itmAppt.Body = "Mobile Number" & " - " & item.getinspector.modifiedformpages("General").controls("Phone4").text & " " & "Business Number" & " - " & item.getinspector.modifiedformpages("General").controls("Phone1").text
I learned to add to the script code, a line that will put in the note field of the appointment, the phone numbers of the contact ....and I have title before each phone number....so all i need to do, is have the second phone number and related title be below the first phone number and title, so its two lines, not just one line....so here is the code line that takes care of the note field, but need to put something in so it makes it two lines in the note field of the appointment.
itmAppt.Body = "Mobile Number" & " - " & item.getinspector.modifiedformpages("General").controls("Phone4").text & " " & "Business Number" & " - " & item.getinspector.modifiedformpages("General").controls("Phone1").text