Outlook 2007 Contact Form - Note Fields

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In the Outlook 2007 Contact form, is there a way to add an additional note field that is not affected by the note field that comes with the form. When you add a note field, and run the form, you are told that if both note fields are available, only one works....

So is there a way to add a new note field that you can use whenever, as the note field form, is the only form of text type field where you can stick in many hyperlinks to outlook areas and website areas...

Great to hear back right away.:)
Thanks. But a text box does take in links and don't know what custom control does and how to use it to create a new box that lets you put in multiple links etc
Do you only need URL fields? You can use code to open links in text fields, although it will get messy if you use a lot of fields- as you can only use 1 url per field.

Add a button and text box to the form, add a user-defined field name of txtBrowse1 to the textbox.

Name the button cmdBrowse1, the text box is txtBrowse

Add this code to the form - click the button to run the macro and grab the value from the textbox.

sub cmdBrowse1_Click
dim objShell
set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
MyValue = Item.UserProperties("txtBrowse1")
str = MyValue
objShell.ShellExecute str, "", "", "open", 1
set objShell = nothing

end sub
Thank you. The standard note field that comes with the contact form, let's you put in as many links that you want....which is what I want to do in a different note field.

I did what you said re the custom controls...and the one to add is the docSitecontrol which creates a note field....but when you put in different words in each of the two note fields you use, they don't keep them in each field, only in one as the error when you open the contact is : "This form has more than one Message or Notes control. If more than one control is visible at run time, only one control works". So added the other docSitecontrol does not work. And the code you just posted, don't understand how that does what I want to do.

Any other way to add in a type of textbox that allow for numerous links to be added?

Thanks much as usual!!

PS, re the that Calendar area I posted, I will send you the updated code which creates in creates the Calendar event to the contact with the Subject, the Location, and Start and End Dates and Times.
I haven't had a chance to look for a control that will work. I know some people suggest using the file control and putting notes in a word doc, but you could do that without a control. If you upgraded from Outlook 2003, you might have the spreadsheet control you could use, but its not included in later versions and is not a good long term solution because of that.
I will wait to hear back from the Smart Woman!!!! Just want another note field so two of them work as both need to be visable and I will email you back a code that I will show you and point out one thing that needs to be fixed if you know how to do it....as the code is long...thanks so so much as usual!!
Any update on a code to create a new note field that is not covered by the default note field? Someone told me there is a macro that can do it, but I have idea how to do it
This is wild!!!

I found a way that the followingcode as a macro creates a note field, but it puts in the desktop not in thecontact form or contact….

So, just in case you can readthis and change it so it creates the note on the contact form or a contact,that would be a blessing:

And Ps, I can believe a found away to do this part!!

Public Sub NewNote()

Dim doc As Outlook.NoteItem

Set doc = CreateItem(olNoteItem)


End Sub

NO...I want it as a separate note in the contact form or a contact of a person

Or, is there way to save this sticky note as a user defined field so it shows up in the field list and I drag it to the contact form?
No, not that I know of. It's an Outlook item, just like appointments and contacts. It can be added to the notes field just like any other item but it can't be embedded in the form as a field.
Thanks for your thoughts right away. So is there a way to adjust the type of a text box so it takes links on it?
I found the way to make the note field larger. So is there a way to put the note created from the cose in the note field? Not a link to create it but just looks like note it is inside the note field. As there is a way to insert a table into the note so can we insert the note created from the code into it?
Is there a way to add the sticky note displayed on the contact? I got this other code that creates a sticky note assigned to the contact you run the macro from, but it only shows it in the Note Folder of Outlook. Sub MakeNoteForContact()
Dim objApp As Application
Dim objItem As Object
Dim objNote As NoteItem
Dim colLinks As Links
Dim objLink As Link
Set objApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
On Error Resume Next
Select Case TypeName(objApp.ActiveWindow)
Case "Explorer"
Set objItem = objApp.ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1)
Case "Inspector"
Set objItem = objApp.ActiveInspector.CurrentItem
End Select
If objItem.Class = olContact Then
Set objNote = objApp.CreateItem(olNoteItem)
Set colLinks = objNote.Links
Set objLink = colLinks.Add(objItem)
End If
Set objLink = Nothing
Set colLinks = Nothing
Set objNote = Nothing
Set objItem = Nothing
Set objApp = Nothing

End Sub
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