No need to post twice.
Just adding a named property to the PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS namespace doesn't make
it an Outlook UserProperty. In addition to adding the property to that
namespace you'd need to hack the undocumented binary blob that Outlook uses
to recognize a UserProperty from a named property in PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS.
The blob can be associated with the item if the UserProperty is only on the
item, or it can be part of a hidden message in the folder with a
MessageClass of IPC.MS.REN.USERFIELDS, in which case the blob is contained
in the property PR_USERFIELDS (0x36E30102), if the UserProperty was added to
the folder fields.
Read your property using the Outlook 2007 PropertyAccessor for the item,
using the PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS namespace as part of the DASL property tag you
supply to PropertyAccessor for any of the property set/get methods.
"Kiran" <kg[at]thoughtworks[dot]com> wrote in message
> We have added a form region to contact details form where there are some
> winform controls which we have data bound to contact custom properties.
> There is a separate app which creates contacts in exchange server (2003)
> for different mailboxes using Web Dav protocol. While creating the contact
> it creates these custom properties also. When I read the contact
> properties using Web dav from exchange server, I get all the values that I
> initially wrote. But the same in not showing in Outlook from region. We
> are using ContactItem.ItemProperties which we get from
> ActiveInspector.CurrentItem to read those custom properties in the form
> region. I have tried ContactItem.UserProperties also, but even that does
> not work. Am I missing something here. Thanks in advance.. Submitted using