Outlook 2007 Contact Form Webpage

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In my form of contacts, I have the regular field of the webpage of the contact. Is there a way to add to the contact form, a second field with is for a different webpage?
I found the following code that as a macro, opens up a webpage based on the webpage name you put in.
Since I have in my contact form, a UserProperties field which I type in the webpage as a text word, not a link, can I change this code so the Browser.Navigate recognized the text words from the field called "Second Webpage"which could be objItem.UserProperties("Second WebPage")?

Here is the code if it can be changed please:

Private Sub WebPage()
Set Browser = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
Browser.Navigate ("www.microsoft.com")
Browser.StatusBar = False
Browser.Toolbar = False
Browser.Visible = True
Browser.Resizable = False
Browser.AddressBar = False
End Sub
you could try
Browser.Navigate ( objItem.UserProperties("Second WebPage"))

but it's usually better to assign it to a string :
strUrl = objItem.UserProperties("Second WebPage")
Browser.Navigate (strUrl)
Thanks much. I tried both, but each line of Browser.Navigate ( objItem.UserProperties("Second WebPage")) using it, or strUrl = objItem.UserProperties("Second WebPage") using it show in macro as yellow...no words of a problem, but did not do it....anything to fix please....the Display Name of the field is TextBox40......is there way to use that and fix the code maybe?
So I should try this???

Private Sub WebPage()

Dim strUrl as String
Set Browser = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
strUrl = objItem.UserProperties("Second WebPage")
Browser.Navigate (strUrl) Browser.StatusBar = False
Browser.Toolbar = False
Browser.Visible = True
Browser.Resizable = False
Browser.AddressBar = False
End Sub
The actual field name is LinkedIn Webpage....and I did this, but the same yellow shows up:

Private Sub WebPage2()

Dim strUrl As String
Set Browser = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
strUrl = objItem.UserProperties("LinkedIn Webpage")
Browser.Navigate (strUrl)
Browser.StatusBar = False
Browser.Toolbar = False
Browser.Visible = True
Browser.Resizable = False
Browser.AddressBar = False
End Sub
I looked at what you gave me before that it is part of a different code and runs if I open up the contact...so I addd to this code what you will see below, and when I open the contact and run the macro, it goes to the webpage from the words of that field.....and this can be helpful to others, as there is not way I know to add a second field to the contact form that is a hyperlink....

Private Sub WebPage2()

Dim strUrl As String
Dim objItem As Object

Set objApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set objNS = objApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")

On Error Resume Next

If TypeName(objApp.ActiveWindow) = "Inspector" Then
Set objItem = objApp.ActiveInspector.currentItem

Set Browser = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
strUrl = objItem.UserProperties("LinkedIn Webpage")
Browser.Navigate (strUrl)
Browser.StatusBar = False
Browser.Toolbar = False
Browser.Visible = True
Browser.Resizable = False
Browser.AddressBar = False

End If
End Sub
In addtion, the foregoing did not work when I selected a contact and did not open the contact up....so I just did the followng and it works if I open the contact or just select the contact:

Private Sub WebPage3()

Dim strUrl As String
Dim objItem As Object

Set objApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set objNS = objApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")

On Error Resume Next

If TypeName(objApp.ActiveWindow) = "Inspector" Then
Set objItem = objApp.ActiveInspector.currentItem

Set Browser = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
strUrl = objItem.UserProperties("LinkedIn Webpage")
Browser.Navigate (strUrl)
Browser.StatusBar = False
Browser.Toolbar = False
Browser.Visible = True
Browser.Resizable = False
Browser.AddressBar = False

GoTo Leave

End If

Set objSelection = objApp.ActiveExplorer.Selection

For Each objItem In objSelection

Set Browser = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
strUrl = objItem.UserProperties("LinkedIn Webpage")
Browser.Navigate (strUrl)
Browser.StatusBar = False
Browser.Toolbar = False
Browser.Visible = True
Browser.Resizable = False
Browser.AddressBar = False


Set objItem = Nothing
Set objFolder = Nothing
Set objNS = Nothing
Set objApp = Nothing

End Sub
Can we change my code so it just copies the words from the field? And change the code again so it pastes to the same field of another contact what I copied from the first code?
What do you mean, just copies the words? That is what this does:
strUrl = objItem.UserProperties("LinkedIn Webpage")
Browser.Navigate (strUrl)

If it didn't work before with objItem.UserProperties("LinkedIn Webpage") in navigate, this is the only way.

Does "same field of another contact" mean you want to select several contacts and run the macro to open a bunch of webpages? (FYI, I do something similar with tasks and the urls in the subject field - if you open too many at once, windows and IE become slugs.)
Sorry for not explaining. This is totally different. I need a macro that when I select or open the contact, it copies the words from the field LinkedIn Webpage. And then the next macro that when I select or open the contact, it pastes to the field LinkedIn Webpage what i copied from the other contact
you need to use a global variable - at the top of the page (above the sub name) put something like
dim strField as string

then the first macro sets strfield to equal the field and the second macro uses strfield to set the value in the second contact.
I don't understand re the copy and the paste. Can you please post the exact full codes that does it? And do meen that I select two contacts and then run the code? That would be great!! And please do the full code re the copy and paste as I don't have it as the code I have goes to the webpage, not copy and paste. Thanks very much as I will try what you give me
I found from earlier how we copied an email address....so the following code copies the words of WebPage....but not the new field that is displayed as LinkedIn Webpage....so to begin with, what can we do as the second macro that pastes the words of the WebPage that was copied, to the the other Field named Linked Webpage.....and there is a story about that.....and also, as a second thing, what to change to the first code I am showing so it copies from the field LinkedIn Webpage.

Public Sub CopyWebPage()
Dim oContact As contactItem

Set oContact = ActiveExplorer().Selection.Item(1)
Set DataObj = New MSForms.DataObject
DataObj.SetText oContact.WebPage
End Sub
Here is the code that copies the words from theLInkedIn Webpage.......so I just need to know how to copy from the WebPage and paste to the LinkedIn Webpage field:

Public Sub CopyLinkedInWebPage2()
Dim oContact As contactItem

Set oContact = ActiveExplorer().Selection.Item(1)
Set DataObj = New MSForms.DataObject
DataObj.SetText oContact.UserProperties("LinkedIn Webpage")
End Sub
So what it the full code that I just select another contact and it pastes to the field of that contact...and when you show me, let's use the field to paste to: oContact.UserProperties("LinkedIn Webpage")
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